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Building & Monetizing Facebook Fan Pages by @c4n4d4

Published on 2013/09/01 By admin

A lot of people, especially Internet Marketers, tend to stay away from marketing on Facebook. They think monetizing Facebook is impossible, its hard to attract fans, and some even say the Facebook days of marketing are over. I’m here to set things straight

The CPA Trap & How To Avoid It

Published on 2013/08/26 By admin

I guarantee I can reduce your cost-per-acquisition (CPA) on your SEM campaigns. How can I make such a bold claim? Simple: first, I create ad text that says “Get $1,000 free.

What The Heck Is AdWords Quality Score And Why Does It Matter Anyway?

Published on 2013/08/19 By admin

Last month, Google announced some changes in how Quality Score is being reported.

Tips To Ensure The Validity Of Your Day Parting

Published on 2013/06/07 By admin

One of the most classic and beneficial analyses conducted for paid traffic acquisition channels is day parting. Not all visits are equal, and the time of day/day of week of the visit usually has a strong correlation with user qualification and likelihood to convert.

Managing The Bounds Of Profitability: iCPA & iCPC

Published on 2013/05/10 By admin

In my previous post, From 3rd Party To 1st Party: The Evolution Of The Google Advertising Toolset, I wrote about the evolution of AdWords data and how recent changes have constricted the incremental value presented by third-party paid search tools.

The Rise Of Programmatic Branding In RTB

Published on 2013/02/13 By admin

Does RTB really stand for Real Time Branding? Since the advent of Real Time Bidding, programmatic display advertising has largely been thought of as a technique for direct-response, performance based advertisers.

Winning The Conversion But Losing The War

Published on 2013/01/16 By admin

I’m writing this from a cruise ship in the middle of the Pacific Ocean (well, actually, about 500 yards from Cabo San Lucas). This is my first cruise, and it’s been an interesting experience. My expectation was that this would be an all-inclusive vacation on water; the reality has been somewhere..

How Facebook Exchange (FBX) Can Help Search Marketers Improve Reach & Performance

Published on 2013/01/16 By admin

Since its launch a few months back, the Facebook Exchange (aka FBX) has created lots of buzz amongst companies involved in Real Time Bidding (RTB). While much of the initial discussion about FBX was centered around low-funnel tactics such as site retargeting, more companies (including my company,…

Case Study: Quadrupling A Small Account’s Conversions In Just 90 Days

Published on 2012/12/31 By admin

CPA Bidding in Google AdWords allows you to set a CPA bid, and then Google will do all the bidding for you. When it works, its fantastic, as you don’t have to spend all day trying to set bids inside the account.

7 Tips For Lowering Cost Per Action (CPA) Using Search Retargeting

Published on 2012/05/30 By admin

Value, like beauty, is usually in the eye of the beholder.