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Boosting B2B Marketing Credibility with Social Proof and Influencers: 4 Tips

Published on 2021/10/05 By admin

This is gonna be the greatest blog post EVER.

Incredible Content Marketing: 6 Tips for Infusing Credibility into B2B Content

Published on 2020/11/10 By admin

One of my favorite moments from The Simpsons is when the hilariously incompetent physician Dr. Nick burns down a building by mishandling a clearly marked chemical tank, and then exclaims, “Inflammable means flammable?! What a country!” via GIPHY “Incredible” is a word that can spark similar cognitive dissonance for marketers

How to Succeed at B2B Content Marketing with More Credible Content

Published on 2018/02/28 By admin

Ask any B2B marketer about their top digital marketing challenges and one of the first answers you’ll likely receive is: Getting in front of the right audience at the right time. In fact, Ytel’s 2018 State of B2B Marketing Communications survey revealed that 55% of respondents agreed that they have a hard time getting their message and content in front of their target audience. Why is that?