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Connecting the Dots from Data to Better Customer Experience

Published on 2017/12/21 By admin

I love how Tom Fishburne aka marketoonist always does a great job of showcasing marketing truths. While the focus for marketers to deliver the right message to the right audience at the right time is nothing new, it’s also safe to say that we have a lot of work to do. For example, I was recently in the position of having to look for a new external battery charger

Five ways analysts can take their skills to the next level

Published on 2016/08/16 By admin

As I’ve been writing about tools and tactics quite a bit lately, I thought for this month’s column I’d take a step back and share some ideas on how you can become a better analyst. And improving our analysis skills as marketers goes beyond broadening our career options and helping us be better at our craft.

Google’s Keyword Planner tool just became even more inaccurate

Published on 2016/06/29 By admin

You’re probably familiar with the Keyword Planner tool, which is one of the best sources we have to spot opportunities and make the business case for an investment into paid or organic search campaigns.

17 inspirational examples of data visualization

Published on 2016/06/28 By admin

We can all collect masses of data, but it only becomes genuinely useful when we use it to make a clear point. This is where data visualization comes in.

15 data visualisation tools to help you present ideas effectively

Published on 2016/06/15 By admin

The number of digital skills you need in order to be a functional and useful member of your organisation are increasing at a rate you might be struggling to keep up with. As well as the ability to understand your analytics and be fully aware of basic SEO skills , you need to be able to present information and data in the clearest manner possible to members of your team and, of course, your senior management

Taking your analytics practice to the next level

Published on 2016/04/28 By admin

As both a Googler and ClickZ team member, I recently attended and participated in the always-inspirational ClickZ Live New York event. Along with Katie Morse , Vice President, Social and Search at Nielsen and Pierce Crosby , business development and experienced data analyst at StockTwits, we had a panel discussion on how brands can take their analytics practice to the next level.

New research reveals enterprise content marketing trends in 2016

Published on 2016/04/21 By admin

Joe Pulizzi has released the CMI’s latest research into enterprise content marketing, and it’s well worth sharing, so I thought I’d discuss a few of the highlights (or lowlights, in some cases).  The study reveals that the vast majority of marketers have a long way to go before they become truly effective, with less than one in 20 reaching a level of maturity that pretty much guarantees success.

How to fix discrepancies in your web analytics data

Published on 2016/04/05 By admin

Google Analytics, like every web analytics tool, does not deliver accurate data. There are many reasons behind this including: Visitors don’t allow JavaScript Visitors block cookies Pages missing code Location of the code on the page There are certain actions though that can be exactly measured, as they are recorded in back end systems

Six essential steps to present data persuasively

Published on 2016/03/17 By admin

“The graphic method has considerable superiority for the exposition of statistical facts over the tabular. A heavy bank of figures is grievously wearisome to the eye, and the popular mind is as incapable of drawing any useful lessons from it as of extracting sunbeams from cucumbers.” -Arthur Briggs Farquhar and Henry Farquhar from Economic and Industrial Delusions In a previous column , I shared that data visualization is your secret weapon for storytelling and persuasion. I wanted to follow that up with actionable tips for how you can be more successful with your own efforts sharing data with your team

5 SEO Myths Debunked by Data [SPONSORED] by @lauracruzspeaks

Published on 2015/02/18 By admin

This is a sponsored post, the data mining of which was done by the SimilarWeb team, using the SimilarWeb PRO platform. Remember those SEO “truths” that everyone used to believe in?