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3 Key Themes from #MPB2B Forum — Day #2

Published on 2022/10/15 By admin

The post 3 Key Themes from #MPB2B Forum — Day #2 appeared first on B2B Marketing Blog – TopRank® .

3 Key Themes from #MPB2B

Published on 2022/10/15 By admin

[one-sixth-first][/one-sixth-first][one-sixth][/one-sixth][one-sixth][/one-sixth][one-sixth][/one-sixth][one-sixth][/one-sixth][one-sixth][/one-sixth] The content and conversations at MarketingProfs B2B Forum this week were beyond inspiring for a #MPB2B newcomer like me. The energy within this B2B content marketing community is intoxicating and to quote Jacco van der Kooij’s closing keynote, “What you have in this room – this is a community.