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Bing Ads Launches Google Enhanced Campaigns Compatibility Update, Tablet Targeting Stays, Still

Published on 2013/09/11 By admin

Today Bing Ads launched the updates the company announced in June to make the platform more compatible with the changes Google ushered in with enhanced campaigns. The updates were implemented to support uploading of now-enhanced AdWords campaigns into the Bing Ads platform

Targeting: AdWords Vs. Google Display Network Vs. Programmatic Display

Published on 2013/05/06 By admin

Search engine marketing’s meteoric rise over the last decade is due, in large part, to the superiority of query-level targeting as compared to other online advertising channels. The targeting edge that SEM once held, however, may be slipping. Indeed, for many advertisers and many verticals, SEM may..

Workarounds To Make Enhanced Campaigns More Flexible

Published on 2013/03/21 By admin

Last week at SMX West, I was on the “SEM Best Practices Debate” panel. Several of the topics we debated were related to Enhanced Campaigns, clearly something on the minds of search marketers these days

The Real Reason Why Google Is Dropping The Tablet vs. Desktop Distinction? It’s The User Context, Stupid!

Published on 2013/02/28 By admin

There’s been some grumbling among PPC marketers over the last few weeks about a few specific changes in Enhanced Campaigns – in particular, the loss of tablet vs. desktop segmentation, which was previously a best practice for mobile advertising strategy. One of my well-respected colleagues put it…