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Making Social Media Pay – With (Really) Fast Followers – Accenture #df11

Published on 2011/09/02 By admin

As companies seek to understand where and how social media fits, one of the key questions asked is: How can you move beyond branding with social media and directly affect business outcomes? At Dreamforce this week,  Robert Wollan – Global Managing Partner for Accenture CRM, attempted to answer that question with his presentation: “Making $ocial Media Pay – With (Really) Fast Followers. Most C-level execs are finding that traditional channels are not delivering the results that they had in the past

#DF11 B2B Social Media – Not As Different As You Think

Published on 2011/09/01 By admin

One of the big questions in the social media marketing space is whether social media is the place for B2B marketing. As companies begin to understand for every B2B company, there’s also a “C” aka people behind the business ( @garyvee )