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Google’s Joris Merks on the importance of leadership for digital transformation

Published on 2016/06/29 By admin

Joris Merks is Head of Digital Transformation, Northern Europe at Google, and works with companies to embed digital-first thinking into their strategies. He’ll be participating in a Google Squared webinar  tomorrow (June 30), looking at how to drive a culture of innovation in your company.

“Content is not a conceit or a vanity project, it makes people money”

Published on 2016/05/18 By admin

Content marketing has been one of the industry’s buzz phrases for the last few years, but as the medium rapidly evolves and consumers’ expectations change, are businesses still getting it right? Amy Nicholson, managing editor at content strategy agency Sticky Content , says it’s time for businesses to install their own great content leaders, who can bring together expertise from every division in their company to create a great content strategy.

Q&A: The Prince’s Trust’s Rebecca Galambos on digital transformation

Published on 2016/05/05 By admin

Rebecca Galambos is senior digital transformation director at the Prince’s Trust , with some valuable insights into the ‘millennial generation’ through her work.  Rebecca will be speaking about this at our upcoming  Shift event in London on May 24/25th. I’ve been asking Rebecca about what digital transformation means to her… Can you give us a sneak preview of your presentation at Shift? I’m going to be speaking about how digital transformation and frugal innovation are just as relevant to the third sector as to the world of commerce (arguably even more so given the tight funding environment)

10 secret ingredients of a 10x marketer

Published on 2016/04/27 By admin

What attributes make for a brilliant marketer? Over the past few years there has been a lot of talk about marketers who punch well above their weight. For some, the term ‘growth hacker’ has described the type of marketer who with a mixture of tech and creativity can reach and convert large numbers of people at speed and low cost

Shift London: Are you ready to join the #Digirevolution?

Published on 2016/04/21 By admin

What makes a digital influencer? Is it follower numbers?

Insights on digital leadership & transformation from last week’s #ClickZChat

Published on 2016/04/19 By admin

In past editions of ClickZChat we’ve focused on fairly targeted insights, but with our new event Shift fast approaching, the time seemed right to tackle some larger themes.

Digital transformation: are you asking the right questions?

Published on 2016/03/28 By admin

Twitter turned 10 last week. This post isn’t about Twitter, but it made me realise how long I’d been working in the social media field (it’ll be nine years next week). I’m reasonably convinced I got my first social role because I just happened to be doing social when the whole thing became popular

What is Digital Leadership?

Published on 2016/03/23 By admin

I have a difficult task. In order to promote our upcoming two-day digital marketing event called Shift , taking place in London on 24 – 25 May, I have to define what it means to be a digital leader