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Sign Me Up: How B2B Marketers Will Create Top-Notch Newsletters In 2022

Published on 2021/11/17 By admin

What do B2B marketers need to know about crafting a successful email newsletter strategy in 2022 and beyond? What’s changed with newsletter creation during the pandemic, and which fundamental qualities will endure the shifts of time as B2B marketing — and most importantly — the people who build and read newsletters, evolve? While 47 percent of B2B marketers see email as a productive avenue for driving revenue ( ANA ), digital newsletters typically offer even greater effectiveness, especially as dark social, disappearing web browser cookie data, and an increase in the number of folks using ad-blocking technology are on the rise — a topic we recently explored in ” Traffic’s Black Hole: What B2B Marketers Need To Know About Dark Social .” Email newsletter offer a fantastic way to meet some of these challenges head on, while also solidifying the human connections that help drive B2B marketing success.

Digital Newsletters as Content Marketing: Pros, Cons, Best Practices and Award Winning Examples

Published on 2013/10/08 By admin

It seems fitting to discuss digital newsletters during the month of October, since the birth of email  harkens back 40 years ago this month. Love it, hate it or tolerate it, without email marketing, digital marketers would have been responsible for the destruction of many, many more trees without it! Digital newsletters are scheduled, recurring messages from companies to a list of subscribers that usually has a web page counterpart or archive which represents a specific type of content.