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Margaret Shepard Shares How Mayo Clinic Built its Facebook Live Broadcast Strategy #DSMPLS

Published on 2019/08/19 By admin

The Mayo Clinic , one of our nation’s most renowned hospitals, believes in being social. More than 100 years ago, the Mayo brothers got the social ball rolling by inviting other surgeons to come to its facility in Rochester, MN to talk and learn from one another.

TopRank Marketing’s Ashley Zeckman Shares How to Build Consumer Trust with Influencers #DSMPLS

Published on 2019/08/19 By admin

In a world of consumer distrust , especially when it comes to marketing messages, it can sometimes feel like you’re living in the “Upside Down.” Everything that you thought was true about marketing and how you engage with customers and buyers is now different. In fact, sometimes nothing seems to make sense anymore.

4 Marketing Productivity Tips from Workfront’s Mike Riding #DSMPLS

Published on 2019/08/15 By admin

Does work follow you home?  When was the last time you had a work week that was actually 40 hours?  Marketers often feel pressed for time and overworked. In fact, according to recent Workfront research : 64% say they’re being asked to come up with new ways of working 58% are so swamped, they don’t have time to think beyond their daily tasks 56% they’re completely overwhelmed.  Mike Riding , Workfront’s Director of Digital Marketing, came to Digital Summit Minneapolis with the sole goal of helping marketers get more work done.

Joseph Lindberg of Land O’Lakes Outlines How to Build a Marketing Dashboarding Discipline #DSMPLS

Published on 2019/08/15 By admin

Marketing measurement. It’s absolutely essential, but perhaps one of the hardest marketing disciplines to master.

The Future of Marketing As Seen By Randi Zuckerberg #DSMPLS

Published on 2019/08/15 By admin

“Technology is changing the way we do business.”  Said everyone, ever.  Marketers know technology is changing how we interact with our audience.  But knowing it’s happening and doing something about it are two very different things.  Randi Zuckerberg is no stranger to technology and its effects on business, daily life, and social structures.

Digital Summit Minneapolis: A Look Back at What We Learned

Published on 2017/08/18 By admin

Parting [ways after an amazing conference] is such sweet sorrow. Your energy is high, your brain is full and you feel the love of other like-minded marketers. Sometimes however, it’s hard to keep that drive alive once the closing keynote has commenced and you resume your normal routine.

Lee Odden Shares Ways to Supercharge Your Content with Influencer Marketing

Published on 2017/08/17 By admin

Sitting across the aisle from a renowned digital marketing strategist and speaker on a daily basis has tendency to allow you to take for granted the knowledge stockpile that is just a few feet away. Tuesday was a good reminder of that. When Lee Odden , CEO of TopRank Marketing, promised the crowd at the 2017 Digital Summit Minneapolis 45 minutes of content in his 25-minute closing keynote, he was not joking.

Elevate your Marketing Career with One Simple Word: Strategy

Published on 2017/08/16 By admin

Not everyone can say that within 4 years, they went from being an individual contributor to the VP of a billion dollar company. McLean Donnelly can. How did he do it

Using Audio to Engage in a Connected World #DSMPLS

Published on 2017/08/16 By admin

Have you ever heard a song in the morning, only to have it stubbornly stick in your head all day long, even though you don’t care for it? Of course you have. It happens to all of us, and there’s a clear explanation for it.

Taming the Wild Wild West of Social Media Digital Reputation #DSMPLS

Published on 2017/08/15 By admin

In the Wild, Wild West of Social Media Digital Reputation, employees create social accounts without governance. But, are they on brand