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How to Defend Against Content Theft by @neilpatel

Published on 2014/09/29 By admin

It’s easy to steal content. With just a few keystrokes (CRTL + C and CTRL + V) anyone with an Internet connection can claim my content as their own

A Guide To Using the DMCA To Protect Your Online Content

Published on 2014/09/03 By admin

As an attorney who has been advising websites, affiliates, and networks across the country for a decade, I know many Internet marketers see the law as an obstacle. What do I have to disclose

Has Your Content Been Stolen? A Lawyer’s Guide To Defending Your Online Content

Published on 2014/09/03 By admin

As an attorney who has been advising websites, affiliates, and networks across the country for a decade, I know many Internet marketers see the law as an obstacle. What do I have to disclose? What am I allowed to say in an ad?

New Research Says Search Engines Have Little To Do With Promoting Pirated Content

Published on 2013/08/07 By admin

A new research paper authored by Matt Schruers and published by the Computer & Communications Industry Association argues that search engines have been unfairly targeted in the quest to impede online copyright infringement. According to the paper, the perception is that search engines are the… Please visit Search Engine Land for the full article

Google’s Schmidt: Hollywood Should Take Content Pirates To Court

Published on 2013/07/12 By admin

Google’s Eric Schmidt says that the entertainment industry should focus on taking content pirates to court, rather than just trying to get Google (and other search engines) to remove pirate sites from search results. His comments, reported by Variety, came yesterday during an impromptu chat…

Hollywood Studios Make Invalid Takedown Request, Ask Google To Remove Links To Documentary On The Pirate Bay

Published on 2013/05/21 By admin

The recently released TPB AFK: The Pirate Bay – Away from Keyboad, a documentary that sympathizes with the founders of the infamous file sharing website The Pirate Bay, has become the target of fraudulent link takedown requests from major Hollywood Studios, including Viacom, Paramount, Fox…

YouTube Redesigned, Still a BitTorrent Site if You Dig Deep

Published on 2012/12/08 By admin

If you visited YouTube in the past 24 hours, you probably felt that you landed on the wrong site. More like TV, and less cluttered, this is the new YouTube, or, at least, Google’s declared intention behind the redesign

YouTube Redesigned, Still a BitTorrent Site if You Dig Deep

Published on 2012/12/08 By admin

If you visited YouTube in the past 24 hours, you probably felt that you landed on the wrong site. More like TV, and less cluttered, this is the new YouTube, or, at least, Google’s declared intention behind the redesign. The site is so clean, and clutter-free… it’s almost boring