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How To Run Single-Device Only Enhanced Campaigns. It Can Be Done!

Published on 2014/06/02 By admin

When I speak about Enhanced Campaigns, I invariably get an audience question like this: “How can I create single-device campaigns? I know it’s possible somehow, tell me how!” I recently figured out the answer

Coping With Enhanced Campaigns & The Problem Of Modifier Stacking

Published on 2013/10/17 By admin

As we predicted a few months back, Enhanced Campaigns and mobile modifiers have been a benefit to those companies that employ them wisely. We’re excited to fold Google’s cross-device and in-store tracking into this mix as well as our own system for understanding micro-conversions…

New Data Suggest AdWords Enhanced Campaigns Actually Work

Published on 2013/10/04 By admin

Nearly two months after the forced roll-out of Enhanced Campaigns in AdWords, at least one key question remains unanswered: are we better off today than we were before?

Innovating In The B2B Search Space: Testing Geo Bid Multipliers

Published on 2013/08/21 By admin

In a recent article in AdAge, Bert DuMars cites Forrester research which found that “only 11% of marketers set aside a specific budget for marketing innovation efforts, and only 9% make marketing innovation a part of every marketer’s budget.” I won’t go into how to secure… Please visit Search Engine Land for the full article.

Smart Geographic Segmentation & Bidding With Enhanced Campaigns

Published on 2013/06/14 By admin

New PPC Best Practices In An Enhanced Campaign World was one of SMX Advanced Seattle’s most engaging sessions; and, as a speaker, I have received a great deal of feedback and questions about those bid location modifiers. As it turns out, location bid modifiers are one of the (only) benefits… Please visit Search Engine Land for the full article

How To Determine Your Hourly Bid Multipliers In AdWords

Published on 2013/04/19 By admin

Since I received some solid feedback on my last column detailing how to determine mobile & geo bid multipliers for enhanced campaigns, I thought I’d share some more actionable stuff this time around. While hourly bid multipliers aren’t new, they remain a crucial tactic for optimizing your..

“Advertisers Deserve Control” Bing Ads Responds To AdWords Enhanced Campaigns

Published on 2013/04/05 By admin

Reiterating statements he made at SMX West last month, David Pann, general manager of the Search Network at Microsoft, is making it clear that Bing Ads will not go the way of AdWords Enhanced Campaigns in reducing device targeting options. He spoke to advertisers at a San Francisco Forum yesterday… Please visit Search Engine Land for the full article.

3 Location Requests For Enhanced Campaigns

Published on 2013/04/04 By admin

The shift to Enhanced Campaigns is important to every advertiser, but critically important to Enterprise programs, particularly those with meaningful brick and mortar footprints. The reality of Enhanced Campaigns today doesn’t create much urgency to switch over.

Workarounds To Make Enhanced Campaigns More Flexible

Published on 2013/03/21 By admin

Last week at SMX West, I was on the “SEM Best Practices Debate” panel. Several of the topics we debated were related to Enhanced Campaigns, clearly something on the minds of search marketers these days

Enhanced Campaigns: Google’s Grand Unification Theory

Published on 2013/03/11 By admin

Early last century, Albert Einstein turned the world of established physics upside down when he introduced his theories of special and general relativity. Newton’s Laws, which had successfully driven the work of physicists for hundreds of years, were usurped by Einstein’s new theories….