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Enterprise SEO Audits – Go Beyond The Desktop Crawl

Published on 2014/04/23 By admin

Digital technology — and the way consumers are using it — is evolving at a pace never seen before, and the platforms and tools used by digital marketers are trying to keep up with it all. We all know content is still king. In order to win the battle for the consumer’s attention,…

Google Commerce Search Is On The Chopping Block

Published on 2013/02/15 By admin

Despite attracting several high-profile retailers, it seems Google is quietly shuttering Commerce Search. TechCrunch reported that the company is moving away from its hosted enterprise search product in favor of lighter (and less expensive) solutions. “We are making a strategy shift towards…

Innovative Search Features Drive Engagement – Paul Vellez #OMS12

Published on 2012/02/08 By admin

“Google taught us how to search.” – Paul Vellez Paul Vallez admits that when he started at HP less than a year ago he had just come from Ask.com and was pretty cocky about what he knew.  Vallez also shares that he wasn’t very open to new ideas and wanted to step into his new position at a big brand and immediately demonstrate value.