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How The Telegraph’s SEO strategy led to a Brexit traffic boost

Published on 2016/07/22 By admin

The EU referendum has delivered a nice traffic boost for the UK’s newspaper websites, according to ABC figures released this week . Interest in the referendum was massive in June, and spiked on June 24th, the day after the referendum

EU referendum / brexit betting: who’s winning in organic search?

Published on 2016/06/21 By admin

With the referendum on Britain’s membership of the EU coming up this week, there’s obviously been a lot of debate online.  It has also become a major online gambling event, with the value of bets set to exceed the previous biggest political event, the 2012 US election, according to a recent press release from online betting exchange Betfair. In fact, it has now exceeded that mark, with more than £43 million in bets matched on the exchange