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How to use Facebook Ads to find and recruit new employees

Published on 2016/08/24 By admin

How are you recruiting new employees? Are you using job recruiters? If so, you know their finder fees are ridiculously high.

Facebook begins thwarting ad blockers

Published on 2016/08/11 By admin

Although Facebook now generates upwards of 80% of its revenue from mobile ads, the world’s largest social network isn’t waving the white flag on desktop  ad blocking . Yesterday, it announced that it’s changing the way it delivers desktop ads in an effort to thwart ad blocking software

Facebook image cheat sheet: maximum photo sizes for your branded page and ads

Published on 2016/07/28 By admin

Our previously published guide to Facebook image sizes is well over two years-old and therefore long overdue for an update, and SO much has happened to the world’s most popular social network ( for now ) since then… Brands and publishers have seen their organic reach repeatedly annihilated due to changes in Facebook’s algorithm to favour friends’ posts only.

11 reasons why your Facebook ad measurement is messed up

Published on 2016/02/16 By admin

A recurring theme I hear among paid social pros is the measurement discrepancy between Facebook and Google Analytics. People seem to have a really hard time matching up what’s happening with campaigns on Facebook and subsequent engagement, as measured by their analytics platform of choice (including – but not limited to – Google Analytics).

5 Ridiculously Powerful Facebook Ad Targeting Strategies by @LarryKim

Published on 2015/03/11 By admin

You can target audiences on Facebook with a dozen different ad formats and thousands of possible ad targeting parameters. Mastering your Facebook targeting strategy gets you in front of very specific and often motivated segments of your audience, on the network where Americans religiously spend an average of 40 minutes of their day.

How to Build Custom Facebook Audiences for Marketing and Advertising by @esornoso

Published on 2015/02/09 By admin

Over the last few years, Facebook has been home to the world’s largest internet audience, and 2015 is shaping up to be another major year. When it comes to online marketing and advertising, Facebook has been a very valuable tool for businesses of all sizes and categories.

How Much Do You Invest in Relationship Building? by @imlukeguy

Published on 2015/02/01 By admin

Marketing has always been a struggle for businesses – and some methods require more finesse than others.

Social Media Advertising for Content Marketers: Insight from Salesforce’s ‘2015 State of Marketing’ report

Published on 2015/01/19 By admin

Salesforce recently released its annual “State of Marketing” report, in which the company surveyed 5,000 marketers worldwide.

4 Reasons Why Amazon and Facebook Are Gaining on Google by @hubshout11

Published on 2014/12/02 By admin

In 1998, PC Magazine wrote: “Google! is a Stanford University project designed to find the most relevant Web pages (those with the most inbound links) and run searches against them. The 25 million pages currently catalogued seem to be good choices; the site has an uncanny knack for returning extremely relevant results.” Note the exclamation mark in that 1998-99 version of Google’s logo, which some say was added to mimic Yahoo’s logo.

How to Run Facebook Ads for an E-Commerce Site by @esornoso

Published on 2014/10/22 By admin

Facebook has a vast potential for businesses. But it can be difficult and frustrating knowing where to start, and how to proceed. I’m hoping this quick guide can point you in the right direction.