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5 Top B2B Brands Mastering Facebook Engagement

Published on 2019/10/30 By admin

With more than 2.4 billion users worldwide, Facebook has long been a popular platform for brands both B2B and direct-to-consumer looking to creatively and effectively showcase their products and services. Facebook has released scores of new features over the past several years that have not only helped it remain among the most-used social media platforms — despite facing well-publicized challenges over the past several years — but also increasingly to become a destination for professional business users, and users looking for a social experience markedly different from LinkedIn, Twitter, and Instagram. With Facebook having launched so many new tools for brands to maximize their engagement on the platform, let’s take a look at how five large primarily B2B companies are creatively  connecting with audiences through pages, groups, communities, and several other methods Facebook provides

Is Your Brand Likable? 7 B2B Technology Brands Taking a Creative Approach on Facebook

Published on 2016/06/14 By admin

Between Facebook constantly tweaking features to improve user experience and the saturation of posts from every other brand out there, it’s becoming increasingly difficult for B2B brands to reach their audience by utilizing Facebook marketing tactics. According to the Content Marketing Institute & MarketingProfs’ B2B Content Marketing: 2016 Benchmarks, Budgets and Trends—North America report , 84% of B2B marketers said they used Facebook as a content marketing tactic, but just 30% said their efforts were effective. But this doesn’t mean it’s time to abandon the Facebook ship.

How B2B Marketers Can Use Facebook to Drive Engagement & Generate Leads

Published on 2015/10/26 By admin

Time and time again, B2B marketers have heard, “Facebook doesn’t work for B2B”. That statement could not be further from the truth. What B2B marketers should ask themselves is; am I truly engaging my Facebook audience by sharing things they want to see and interact with?

‘What Should I Post on Facebook?’ 12 Facebook Tactics Working Right Now by @courtneyseiter

Published on 2015/05/02 By admin

If you feel challenged by Facebook marketing these days, you’re not alone. Here are 12 tactics to take a look at adding to your Facebook marketing toolbox. The post ‘What Should I Post on Facebook?’ 12 Facebook Tactics Working Right Now by @courtneyseiter appeared first on Search Engine Journal .

5 Ways to Increase Organic Reach on Facebook by @beymour

Published on 2015/02/27 By admin

Facebook isn’t the gravy train it used to be, and here’s why. The post 5 Ways to Increase Organic Reach on Facebook by @beymour appeared first on Search Engine Journal

9 Ways Content Marketing Can Save Your Doomed Facebook Page by @LarryKim

Published on 2015/01/19 By admin

Facebook has announced starting January, they will be ramping up efforts to inflict even harsher punishments on brands for posting too much promotional content.

How a Facebook Page Grew Their Organic Reach 219% in 30 Days by @shortstackjim

Published on 2014/11/24 By admin

If you’re a business on Facebook, there’s a good chance you’ve been fighting the organic reach battle. In the last year-and-a-half, Facebook organic reach has gone from around 16 percent per post to as little as 1 percent per post

3 Techniques to Boost Customer Loyalty Through Facebook by @marcushokh

Published on 2014/11/04 By admin

What could be better than having more customers? How about having loyal customers who constantly buy from you! As business owners, most of us understand customer loyalty is important, as they can bring in a constant source of profit and income. Therefore, we are always seeking new ideas on how to boost customer loyalty.

What Really Happens When Someone Clicks Your Facebook Like Button by @kevanlee

Published on 2014/08/29 By admin

Funny, we’ve had the Facebook Like button along the side of every Buffer blog post for the past several years. And I don’t think I’ve ever clicked it.

5 Data-Driven Ways to Get Your Facebook Post Seen by Your Audience

Published on 2014/07/22 By admin

If you’ve been struggling with Facebook lately for your brand page, don’t think you’re alone. Between changes to the layout of brand pages, News Feed algorithm adjustments, and countless other tweaks and changes, marketers are constantly on their toes anticipating what’s coming next. A current issue that many are facing is the decline of a post’s organic reach.