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How Influencer Marketing Can Drive a Full Funnel Content Strategy

Published on 2023/01/09 By admin

In case you’re new to the blog, our agency is pretty sold on B2B influencer marketing . Now, when we say influencer marketing, we’re not talking about tanned and toned Gen Z’ers sitting poolside, endorsing your SaaS solution. At least not for your first campaign

Why Great Top-of-Funnel Content Matters for Lead Generation

Published on 2022/12/19 By admin

When a storm is on the horizon, everyone battens down the hatches, boards up the windows, and hunkers down to wait it out. Right now there’s a recession on the horizon for B2B businesses, and we can see the storm preparation starting. Budgets are getting leaner, new requests met with more scrutiny, and marketers are under more pressure than ever to prove the effectiveness of their work