Tag Archive

Halloween 2018: Crab claws!

Published on 2018/11/04 By admin

Do you need something to cheer you up? You got it: I should explain this costume a little bit

Halloween 2015: USB Drive

Published on 2015/10/31 By admin

I went a little overboard for Halloween last year . And as you can tell from my the Halloween category on my blog , sometimes I get a little too excited about Halloween. So this year I decided to go quick, easy, and lo-fi as a USB drive: To make a thumb drive/USB key, I just took a cardboard box, spray painted it black, and glued on some gold-colored paper.

Fun mosaic effect with Go

Published on 2014/12/14 By admin

A few months ago I saw a cool mosaic effect in a Wired ad for CA Technologies. Here’s what part of the ad looked like: I liked the ad, so I wondered how they did it. Can you see out how to create a similar effect

Playing with a USB Missile Launcher

Published on 2013/05/13 By admin

This is the last half-finished “hairball” blog post about USB devices on Linux. I actually did manage to get a working program that controlled a USB foam missile launcher.

Playing with a USB Missile Launcher

Published on 2013/05/13 By admin

This is the last half-finished “hairball” blog post about USB devices on Linux. I actually did manage to get a working program that controlled a USB foam missile launcher. Unfortunately, I didn’t document all the steps, so this blog post just sort of stops at some point

A big challenge: running a 50 mile race

Published on 2013/04/01 By admin

You may have heard of my 30 day challenges , where I try something new for 30 days. Those challenges are great to try out a new habit and see how you like it. But I’m also a big believer in picking out really big goals too

My Halloween costume for 2012: Matt Romney!

Published on 2012/10/31 By admin

My fellow Americans, I’d like to introduce my latest Halloween costume: Matt Romney! My five-point plan for the Mitt Romney Halloween costume went like this: Start with a suit and tie. Put a little silver in my sideburns. My wife used some silver and white eye shadow

Grow a moustache and fight cancer!

Published on 2011/11/01 By admin

For my next 30 day challenge, I’ll be growing a mustache to raise awareness and money for men’s health issues, and specifically prostate cancer research. Men of search and SEO, please join our team .

Halloween costume: stickman from xkcd

Published on 2011/10/31 By admin

For Halloween this year I asked people on Google+ what I should be for Halloween, and someone suggested going as the blackhat stick man from xkcd . You know, this guy: That sounded like a good challenge. I finished the costume and taped a video, but unfortunately I didn’t have enough time to get the video to the quality level that I wanted

Halloween Pumpkin: Portal Turret!

Published on 2011/10/24 By admin

I made a Portal turret for my Halloween pumpkin! I was trying to think of things to carve: vampire Android? R2-D2?