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What Marketers Need to Know About the Latest Google Algorithm Update (March 2024)

Published on 2024/03/27 By admin

The latest update to Google’s algorithm has potentially major implications for brands and marketers who are focused on showing up for their audiences in search. As with many recent updates, this one is designed to surface genuinely helpful results that align with search intent

What Marketers Need to Know About the Latest Google Algorithm Update

Published on 2024/01/10 By admin

When it comes to search, Google is the primary gatekeeper between your content and your potential buyers. As of last year, nearly 92% of all searches were made on Google. Whenever Google has a major algorithm update, it highlights just how much we marketers depend on it

Online Marketing News: Mobile Shows Muscle, Google Likes Great Content, SU Reaches 25M Users, Google Drive(s) Storage

Published on 2012/04/27 By admin

Mighty Trends in Mobile Marketing Every day we see mobile being used more and more for online shopping, local searches, email, social networking.