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Local Businesses, Ensure Your AdWords Accounts Are On Target

Published on 2013/09/20 By admin

Paid Advertising Platforms are growing exponentially on what seems like a weekly basis. What once was Keywords + Ad + Bid = Money has now become a full-time job. Bid adjustments, rules, remarketing, extensions, day-parting, local or geographic targeting, modified broad match, and more — the…

Dashboard Series: Creating Combination Charts In Excel

Published on 2013/06/21 By admin

I’m starting a series on dashboards because I think creating sexy dashboards is a critical skill every marketer needs to know. It’s going to be a long series — but by the time we’re finished, you’ll be able to create dashboards that excel in both form and function.

Deduplicate Your Google Analytics Reports in Excel

Published on 2013/04/26 By admin

One of the steps in my last post on finding 404 pages worth saving involved determining if any of your404 pages received traffic in the past year. This can be accomplished by pulling a landing page report and using VLOOKUPs in Excel to see any of your broken pages used to receive traffic.

How To Get Full Referral & Content URLs From Google Analytics

Published on 2013/03/01 By admin

While cruising through the standard reports in Google Analytics (GA), you may have noticed that you can only get URIs (the part of the URL that follows the domain, AKA hostname).