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Google has stopped using authorship completely, even for in-depth articles

Published on 2016/06/23 By admin

Authorship is now officially and completely dead. Gary Illyes from Google said authorship is not used at all at Google anymore

How To Build Author Rank Without Google Authorship

Published on 2015/11/30 By admin

Google’s Authorship program may be dead, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t work on building your authority. Columnist Tony Edward explains

Google: Leave Your Authorship Markup On Your Page

Published on 2015/10/01 By admin

Google may use authorship markup in the future, even after killing it off over a year ago. The post Google: Leave Your Authorship Markup On Your Page appeared first on Search Engine Land. Please visit Search Engine Land for the full article.

Google Authorship Is Dead, Author Rank Is Not: A Interview With Casey Markee by @lorenbaker

Published on 2014/11/12 By admin

At Pubcon 2014 in Las Vegas, I had the opportunity to chat with Casey Markee of SearchEngineNews.com about Google Authorship. More specifically — the end of Google Authorship and what’s going to happen next. The topic of authorship and establishing authority has been a hot topic for quite some time in the SEO world

What’s the Future of Google Authorship? by @neilpatel

Published on 2014/10/28 By admin

I woke up one fine June morning to discover that my familiar photo had disappeared from the search results for dozens of articles that I’d worked so hard at writing. After three years of optimizing my authorship, discussing the topic, and connecting my profile to my personal site, it seemed as if it had all vanished

The Death of Google Authorship: Why Being an Author Isn’t Dead by @JuliaEMcCoy

Published on 2014/10/09 By admin

Just a few months ago (late July 2014), we heard about the disappearance of the Authorship head shot. Now, the news has broken that Google has killed Authorship. Not changed it in another way.

Google Authorship May Be Dead, But Author Rank Is Not

Published on 2014/08/29 By admin

Google ended its three-year experiment with Google Authorship yesterday, but the use of Author Rank to improve search results will continue. Wait — you can have Author Rank without Google Authorship! And just what is Google Authorship versus Author Rank? Come along, because they are different…

It’s Over: The Rise & Fall Of Google Authorship For Search Results

Published on 2014/08/28 By admin

Anyone who follows Google knows that nothing it creates is immune from elimination.

Google Quietly Removes Author Stats From Google Webmaster Tools Labs

Published on 2014/08/05 By admin

In December 2011, Google launched author stats within Google Webmaster Tools, giving those who used authorship across sites, statistics on how well their content did. Author stats were unique in that it would show you how many impressions and clicks your content received not on a site by site basis..

Google Giveth & Google Taketh Away Author Icons

Published on 2014/07/14 By admin

Google recently announced they’d be removing a major element from their search engine results pages (SERPs) that they’ve been featuring for the past couple of years: author icons. Since this is something we Local Marketers have enthusiastically encouraged, what does this mean for… Please visit Search Engine Land for the full article.