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International SEO Strategy: Get Trusted Quickly

Published on 2012/06/19 By admin

Google rolled out its Trusted Stores program earlier this month, acknowledging the importance of trust to improving online shopping experiences.

Google Eliminates Checkout Badge From SERPs

Published on 2011/06/01 By admin

Those brightly-colored Google Checkout badges will disappear from e-tailers’ AdWords ads, according to a post in Checkout Help first spotted by eCommerceCircle. They’ll continue to be displayed in product search. Checkout icons in AdWords were originally introduced in 2006 and a new..

Would Gaming Fuel A Google Social Network?

Published on 2010/07/11 By admin

Based on unnamed “sources,” yesterday TechCrunch reported that Google had “secretly” invested more than $100 million in social gaming platform Zynga and is launching “Google Games,” built partly on Zynga. Let’s establish all the usual qualifiers; this is an unconfirmed story and so on. And there are plenty of times when these TechCrunch-surfaced rumors turn out *** Read the full post by clicking on the headline above ***