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How to find copyright free images with Google Image Search and other resources

Published on 2016/07/12 By admin

Whether maintaining a blog or a beloved long-running website , you will have likely run into problems with accidentally using copyrighted images. It’s easy enough to do, there’s so much misinformation around fair-usage from country-to-country that it’s easy to assume you’ll be safe, but still end up with a huge invoice from Getty Images. If you have fully paid-up access to an image provider or stock image library, then fantastic.

How to find copyright free images with Google Image Search and other resources

Published on 2016/07/12 By admin

Whether maintaining a blog or a beloved long-running website , you will have likely run into problems with accidentally using copyrighted images. It’s easy enough to do, there’s so much misinformation around fair-usage from country-to-country that it’s easy to assume you’ll be safe, but still end up with a huge invoice from Getty Images.

How Will Google “Read” & Rank Your Images in the Near Future by @cognitiveSEO

Published on 2014/10/06 By admin

Image Reading and Object Recognition in Images is an important task and challenge in image processing and computer vision. A simple search for “automatic object recognition” on Google scholar will provide you with a long list of articles mixing all sort of sophisticated equations and algorithms, dating from early ’90s until present.

Google Image Search Adds Usage Rights To Search Tools

Published on 2014/01/14 By admin

Now, when you go to Google Image search, you will see an extra option under the search tools for “usage rights.” Searching and filtering images by “usage rights” is not a new feature for Google Image Search. The feature has been around since 2009; but, Google’s head of..

Use Google’s Image & Mobile Optimisation Guidelines For SEO Advantage

Published on 2013/07/17 By admin

Avoid impacting your SEO traffic while implementing Google’s mobile optimisation guidelines by following this simple guide to mobile & image search optimisation build structure. Please visit Search Engine Land for the full article.

Google Images Tests New Related Searches User Interface

Published on 2013/06/07 By admin

The Google Operating System reports Google is testing a new Image Search interface for related searches. The example given shows images for [nexus 7], At the top is a carousel of related searches to the [nexus 7]. When you click on one of those related images, Google will show you a larger…

Google Launches Streamlined Image Search

Published on 2013/01/24 By admin

Like how Google Image Search works on a tablet? Good news, then. That simplified experience is coming to Google Images on the desktop