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Google Apologizes For World Cup Logo With Wrong Flag, Not “Ghana” Happen Again

Published on 2014/06/13 By admin

Google scored a goal against itself by mixing up the flags of Cameroon and Ghana in a special logo highlighting the Mexico versus Cameroon match happening today in the World Cup. Well, it is Friday the 13th

Percy Julian Gets Google Logo Marking The Famous Chemist’s 115th Birthday

Published on 2014/04/11 By admin

Today’s Google logo honors renown chemist Percy Lavon Julian, the first African American scientist to be inducted into the National Academy of Sciences. During his career, Julian made a number of significant chemical advancements, including the creation of Aero-Foam, a soy-based product… Please visit Search Engine Land for the full article

Martin Luther King, Jr. Google Logo Marks Holiday Honoring Civil Rights Hero

Published on 2014/01/20 By admin

Today’s Google logo marks Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, a federal holiday recognizing the civil rights leader.

Simone De Beauvoir Google Logo Has Come To Stay In A Number Of Countries, Just Not The US

Published on 2014/01/09 By admin

A number of Google international homepages are celebrating feminist writer Simone de Beauvoir’s 106th birthday with a Beauvoir-inspired Google logo, but there’s no sign of The Second Sex author on Google’s US homepage. The Simone de Beauvoir Google logo includes a head shot of the…

Zora Neale Hurston Google Logo Marks The 123rd Birthday Of The Harlem Renaissance Writer

Published on 2014/01/07 By admin

Today’s Google logo is a tribute to one of the 20th century’s most celebrated African American female writers, Zora Neale Hurston. Best known for her novel Their Eyes Were Watching God, Hurston’s body of work included four novels, two book of folklore, and an autobiography. She…

Official: Google Rolling Out App Launcher, Flat Logo

Published on 2013/09/19 By admin

The testing is over. Google has confirmed its plans to add a new app launcher to the main Google navigation bar that will give users quicker access to other Google products. It’s the same grid-style app launcher that many users will already recognize from Android devices and Chromebook…

Google Doodles Where The Wild Things Are For Maurice Sendak’s 85th Birthday

Published on 2013/06/10 By admin

Beloved children’s book author and illustrator Maurice Sendak is being celebrated today on Google’s home page with an animated Doodle showcasing the author’s work. Users can click the play icon to view an animated wheel of Sendak’s characters.

The Google Mother’s Day Logo Offers 27 Art Variations

Published on 2013/05/12 By admin

Today on the Google home page is a special Mother’s Day logo for all moms out there. This logo, or Google Doodle, as Google calls them, has a little more detail than the previous years. The logo is completely interactive allowing users to create up to 27 different pieces of art with 3 border..

On Easter Google Honors The Life Of Cesar Chavez With Logo

Published on 2013/03/31 By admin

If you visit Google today, on Easter Sunday, you will see a logo for Cesar Chavez. Cesar Chavez who died in 1993 would have been 86 years old today.

Happy St. Patrick’s Day: Google’s Irish Dancers

Published on 2013/03/17 By admin

Today is St.