We continue to hear about Facebook’s 700 million users, on the way to a billion worldwide. According to comScore Google is already there, at least looking across all its websites.
There’s lots of buzzing and posting this morning based on a couple of tweets from Tim O’Reilly and Steve Case. They state that “Google Circles” (which is “awesome”) is going to launch “possibly today.” ReadWriteWeb has a lengthy discussion of the…
The subject of “Google Me” has been discussed and debated and picked apart at length already. It’s already tired and the “product” hasn’t even launched. A new round of rumor and speculation has emerged from Quora (and TechCrunch).
Last week Google acquired Angstro.
Based on unnamed “sources,” yesterday TechCrunch reported that Google had “secretly” invested more than $100 million in social gaming platform Zynga and is launching “Google Games,” built partly on Zynga. Let’s establish all the usual qualifiers; this is an unconfirmed story and so on. And there are plenty of times when these TechCrunch-surfaced rumors turn out *** Read the full post by clicking on the headline above ***