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10 Ways to Beat The Panda and Penguin In Your Content Strategy by @JuliaEMcCoy

Published on 2014/12/30 By admin

Change might not always be fun, but sometimes it is necessary to get ahead in the game of Google.

Did Google Panda 4.0 Go After Press Release Sites?

Published on 2014/05/29 By admin

Nine days ago when Google released Panda 4.0 – which aims to filter out “thin” content from top rankings – we focused our attention on the big Winners & Losers charts, Since then, some have noted that press releases may have also been hit big time. Using SearchMetrics, I… Please visit Search Engine Land for the full article

“It Was A Manual Action Against eBay, Not Panda 4.0″ That Caused A Drop In Rankings, According to Re/Code by @mattsouthern

Published on 2014/05/24 By admin

Since Panda 4.0 was rolled out early this week, there have been reports about which websites saw the greatest drop in rankings. According to the reports, eBay was one of the top Panda losers. [Update]: this article was amended to reflect that this breaking news is via a report from Re/code.

Google Hits eBay With Manual Penalty In Search Results

Published on 2014/05/23 By admin

What really happened to eBay dropping in Google’s search results this week? A source familiar with the situation tells Search Engine Land that Google hit eBay with a manual penalty this week.

SEO Storm or Light Shower? Google’s Panda 4.0 Update

Published on 2014/05/22 By admin

The thunder clap of Google’s Matt Cutts’s Twitter post  could be heard across the web this week with the announcement of the search engine’s latest update, Panda 4.0. Of course the type of Panda I’m talking about isn’t a cute bear from China. It’s the name of an algorithm used by Google to filter out low quality content from search results

What The Experts Have to Say: Google Panda 4.0 and Payday Loan 2.0 Updates by @wonderwall7

Published on 2014/05/22 By admin

This week, Google announced that Google Panda 4.0 and a second iteration of its Payday Loan update have both been rolled out. We reached out to some notable SEOs and posed the following: Google updates are always big news in the SEO industry because people worry that their sites (or their clients’ sites) will be affected. With Panda 4.0 affecting ~7.5% of English search queries and the Payday Loan update affecting 0.2% of English searches, what are some more permanent strategies SEOs can begin to implement to not only use these updates to their benefit, but to not be ‘scared’ of future […] The post What The Experts Have to Say: Google Panda 4.0 and Payday Loan 2.0 Updates by @wonderwall7 appeared first on Search Engine Journal .

Who Was Hit Hardest By Panda 4.0? The Answer May Surprise You by @mattsouthern

Published on 2014/05/22 By admin

The past 24 hours have been a wild time for those who either work in, or follow the field of SEO.

Airbnb SEO Meetup #Interview: Negative SEO and Its Impact on Google Search Results by @murraynewlands

Published on 2014/03/26 By admin

Over the years we’ve seen a lot of different SEO tactics resulting from Google’s constant and unwavering algorithm updates. From link building to guest blogging, a lot of different practices have been born in search of improved search rankings, including the topic of discussion in this interview, negative SEO.

Why Should UGC be a Part of Your SEO Strategy? by @dariozadro

Published on 2014/03/19 By admin

It is no secret–fresh and engaging content is the lifeblood of any successful website. It drives traffic, promotes conversions, and provides searchable material for Google and other search engines to scan and evaluate. Without a steady flow of new content the Internet would virtually grind to a halt.

Google Confirms Panda Update Is Rolling Out: This One Is More “Finely Targeted”

Published on 2013/07/18 By admin

This morning I noticed a possible Panda update was rolling out, one that seemed to be “softer” in nature than the previous updates, where many webmasters who were originally hit by the algorithm are now claiming recovery.