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What the Future of Google Search Means for B2B Marketers

Published on 2019/08/05 By admin

The future of search at Google includes fascinating changes that will deeply affect the course of B2B marketing. Google’s search and other services jointly hold vast influence over what people see and do online, a powerful position that isn’t likely to significantly change anytime soon. Like ocean waves, search always changes at Google, and whether it’s through tiny incremental shifts or explosive changes of course, the future this tech giant is enthusiastically creating is one savvy B2B marketers can’t afford to ignore

A Look at How Google Grows in Real Time [Infographic] by @jonharules

Published on 2015/04/19 By admin

Real time statistics of Google searches and its growth.

The Feature Google Killed The + Command For — Direct Connect — Is Now Dead

Published on 2014/06/20 By admin

Cast your mind back to November 2011, only a few months after the launch of Google+. That’s when Google made one of its biggest Google+ification moves. It demoted a long-standing search feature involving the plus symbol so that searchers could instead more easily reach new “Google+..

Google Search Lets You Filter Restaurants By What’s Open Now, Price & More

Published on 2014/04/28 By admin

Google announced you can now filter your restaurant searches by price, ratings, cuisine, and if it’s open right now. All you need to do is go to Google on your desktop or mobile device and search for [show me some restaurants in downtown Austin] or related searches, and Google will give you the… Please visit Search Engine Land for the full article

What Do Google Answers Mean for Content Creators? by @navneetkaushal

Published on 2013/12/05 By admin

Have you noticed a dip in traffic from search lately? While it could be the fault of assorted penalties, Pandas, Penguins, and Hummingbirds, but it could also be that Google just doesn’t need to send traffic to your website to provide certain pieces of information anymore

How Google Plus Profiles & Pages Gain Search Authority

Published on 2013/11/21 By admin

At SMX East this past October, I gave a presentation titled, “Putting the SEO Power of Google+ to Work.” The centerpiece of that presentation was a first peek at a study I’d conducted that seemed to confirm my hypothesis that Google+ profiles and pages gain authority for ranking…

What Everybody Missed About Hummingbird: Social Signals

Published on 2013/11/11 By admin

Danny Sullivan joined me for a live broadcast event via a Hangout on Air (HOA) this past Halloween, and this included a major revelation about Hummingbird and Social signals.

Study: Google Adds 1,200 Search Sites & 750 ISP Client Networks In Less Than A Year

Published on 2013/10/28 By admin

A study published by researchers at the University of Southern California unintentionally discovered Google has dramatically increased the number of sites and ISPs it uses to serve client queries. According to the findings, between October 2012 and July 2013, Google increased the number of…

Top 10 Search Modifiers: Why They Matter, What They Are & How To Use Them

Published on 2013/10/28 By admin

Google is working hard to improve search, and it’s doing such a great job that the general public doesn’t seem to be noticing. With the inclusion of personalization, localization, customization, and with the depth of data Google knows and understands about the average user, it’s easy to… Please visit Search Engine Land for the full article.

Why No PageRank Update? The “Pipeline” Is Broke & Google Isn’t Interested In Fixing It

Published on 2013/10/23 By admin

We already knew Google wasn’t likely to update the PageRank meter in the Google Toolbar this year.