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Is The Mobile Migration Of Graph Search Upon Us? New Facebook Test Uncovers Mobile Web Integration

Published on 2014/06/17 By admin

We’ve been saying that it is just a matter of time for Facebook’s Graph Search to make its way to mobile devices. A test spotted yesterday by InsideFacebook shows that the launch may be close.

Zuckerberg: Facebook Graph Search Is “A Five-Year Thing”

Published on 2014/04/16 By admin

It’s been more than a year since Facebook introduced Graph Search to the world — its first foray into developing a serious search product for Facebook users. If you think development of Graph Search has been moving at a snail’s pace, you’re probably not alone

Facebook Offers A Peak At How Graph Search For Status Updates Works

Published on 2013/10/25 By admin

It’s been less than a month since Facebook expanded Graph Search to include status updates and posts, and the feature still isn’t available to all users. Nonetheless, Facebook search engineer Ashoat Tevosyan shared an “under the hood” look at how it works — and why it… Please visit Search Engine Land for the full article

Facebook’s Graph Search Then & Now: What’s Changed

Published on 2013/07/08 By admin

Facebook has started rolling out Graph Search to all US English users, a move that comes about seven months after the product first launched to a small number of users in mid-January. Graph Search has gone through some changes since then, perhaps none more obvious than when Facebook changed the..

Facebook’s Graph Search Expands To All US English Users

Published on 2013/07/08 By admin

Facebook is opening up its Facebook Graph Search beta to all accounts that use US English. In an announcement today, Facebook says the expansion is underway now and will continue over the next few weeks.

Facebook To End Sponsored Search Ads — For Now

Published on 2013/06/13 By admin

Facebook has said that it’s getting rid of sponsored search results for the time being. It’s not walking away from “search advertising,” however.

How Facebook Graph Search Affects User Privacy

Published on 2013/05/10 By admin

As Facebook Graph Search is being rolled out to it user base, it’s important to be aware of the “searchable” content you post.

3 Hurdles to Facebook Graph Search Success

Published on 2013/04/01 By admin

Facebook believes they can change the way we search by offering a direct look into trends and information within our social networks.

What Facebook’s Graph Search Can Offer Brands

Published on 2013/03/26 By admin

Facebook introduced the new Graph Search, a term derived from social graphs and search. This new feature is a long leap from the old Facebook search and takes personalized search to a whole new level.  In this post I will help you discover 7 ways in which Graph Search can impact your business

Can Facebook Graph Make You Money?

Published on 2013/03/22 By admin

Facebook’s latest innovation – Graph Search, went live in January. Currently it covers four basic searches but it is expected to expand over the coming years.