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Enduring Engagement: 5 Easy Ways To Build New B2B Marketing Connections & Make Them Last

Published on 2022/04/27 By admin

How can B2B marketers create new professional connections that endure, and strengthen their existing business relationships? With ostensibly more ways than ever to find new connections both online and off, the task can seem overwhelming. Luckily, by making clear goals and putting a strategy in place to achieve them, marketers can start truly tapping into the power of building new connections and making them — along with existing ones — stand the test of time

3 Tips For Effectively Growing & Managing Your Online Community

Published on 2013/01/02 By admin

We live in a world where shopping, dating, watching new films and networking can all be done online.  In fact, these actions (and many more) have become a part of our everyday life.  Many of us may experience buyers remorse for purchasing something online that wasn’t within budget, a desire to post a bad review after a terrible movie, or have a sense of regret after a bad date. When it comes to networking for personal and more importantly business use, there are many benefits to be had and pitfalls to be avoided.  If you are able to effectively engage your online community you can experience many advantages including: An introduction to someone such as a thought leader you might not otherwise have access to. Connecting with other business professionals in your field