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SEO 101: Why Headings Should Be Used by @michielheijmans

Published on 2014/07/09 By admin

This post just had to be written. Somehow we have a chapter about Headings in all (!) our site reviews. Usually the website owner can’t change a single thing about the heading setup of the website, as he is unwilling or just lacks the knowledge to change the theme of the website

The Power Of Headlines: The LA Times Gets It Right With Their Piece On The Inauguration

Published on 2013/01/21 By admin

Journalists call them headlines; SEOs call them titles and headings. Whatever you call them, they’re the words that tell someone that your article is what they want to read

Advanced Filters: Excel’s Amazing Alternative To Regex

Published on 2013/01/04 By admin

One thing I’ve never understood about Excel is why it doesn’t support regular expressions (which the cool kids call regex). Regex allows you to do advanced sorting and filtering.