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A Home-Run for Humanizing B2B Content: Why Generative AI Can Only Get Your Business to First Base

Published on 2023/04/27 By admin

With the Major League Baseball season now underway, one of the sport’s great ongoing debates has once again found traction: to stick with human umpires, or embrace the electronic strike zone ?

The Myth of Recession-Proof B2B Marketing & 3 Things To Do Instead

Published on 2023/02/01 By admin

Is recession-proof marketing genuinely possible in the uncertain headwinds of 2023, and — if not — what can B2B marketers do instead to best weather the storm? Recession-proof B2B marketing may sound reassuring, however blindly buying into it could at the very least cause unwanted surprises, and at the worst end up proving disastrous. Thankfully, there are marketing tactics that persevere better than others during uncertainty, however none will be quite the digital panacea that some have been recently touting.

What Recent Data Shows About The Rising Importance of Human Touch-Points in B2B Marketing

Published on 2023/01/30 By admin

Are the human touch-points we use everyday as B2B marketers taking on greater importance in the face of record levels of digital content touched only by artificial intelligence (AI)? Facing increasing automation from ChatGPT and other AI-infused tools, B2B marketers are taking a closer look at our truly human touch-points to differentiate in the unique year that 2023 is shaping up to be. While savvy B2B marketers are sparingly using the power of AI to do more with less, some less sophisticated strategies have turned solely to AI-generated content, making differentiation between human and AI service more important than ever

Standing Out From AI: Why Humanizing B2B Marketing Is Key In 2023

Published on 2023/01/18 By admin

How can B2B marketers craft content that truly stands out from the growing volume of information that may be touched more by artificial intelligence (AI) than human hands?

How B2B Brands Can Embrace The Metaverse, BeReal, & Other Developing Social Channels

Published on 2022/08/17 By admin

Should B2B brands embrace the metaverse, BeReal, and other developing social communication channels, and if so, when is the right time to start becoming involved?

Three of the Biggest Opportunities to Elevate B2B Marketing in 2022

Published on 2022/01/10 By admin

Even if 2020 and 2021 didn’t throw buckets of uncertainty, accelerated digital transformation and massively shifting buyer behaviors and expectations on marketers in the business to business world, B2B marketing is not without challenges. From “boring to boring” to woefully behind B2C, there’s more than enough opportunity for us in the B2B marketing world to raise the bar