Photoshop used to be considered an “extra” kind of skill for your average marketer. Now, things have changed, and to be a great marketer knowing Adobe Photoshop is not only extremely valuable, but becoming essential for marketing success. Marketing is no longer about simply being creative with your content and thinking about audience, it’s about actually creating visual content and understanding what type of visual content is going to draw in the right viewers
There are many ways to make your articles easier to read on the web – lots of paragraph breaks, short snappy sentences, headings, sub-headings, Gifs of Kanye West’s mood swings – but one of the key ways to make your content look attractive is by using lots of lovely images.
Images drive traffic, backlinks and a whole lot more. It’ll be a game changer for your SEO strategy in 2015 and beyond. The post How to Use Image #SEO to Build an Unexpected Advantage by @jboitnott appeared first on Search Engine Journal
In the competition to rank highest in local search results, you must employ a number of tactics in coordination.
When local businesses look to beef up their SEO game, they’re often looking for some clever technical trick.
Avoid impacting your SEO traffic while implementing Google’s mobile optimisation guidelines by following this simple guide to mobile & image search optimisation build structure. Please visit Search Engine Land for the full article.
Optimize Your Images for Better Digital Asset Optimization From Marketing to PR, digital assets are an essential part of the content used to tell stories and communicate brand messages. For publishers and public relations professionals, optimizing the images used in news stories and press releases can have an important impact on visibility in search engines. Images not only add flavor to news content, but they are also an opportunity to extend the reach of your message through image specific search
Images as an asset for organic search results and search engine optimization are often overlooked. Images can drive traffic through image search as well as inclusion in universal search results.