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Images: three optimisation tips to help speed up your site

Published on 2016/07/22 By admin

People like fast websites and so does Google. In fact, your website’s speed is a ranking factor in Google search engine results.

How to find copyright free images with Google Image Search and other resources

Published on 2016/07/12 By admin

Whether maintaining a blog or a beloved long-running website , you will have likely run into problems with accidentally using copyrighted images. It’s easy enough to do, there’s so much misinformation around fair-usage from country-to-country that it’s easy to assume you’ll be safe, but still end up with a huge invoice from Getty Images.

How to find copyright free images with Google Image Search and other resources

Published on 2016/07/12 By admin

Whether maintaining a blog or a beloved long-running website , you will have likely run into problems with accidentally using copyrighted images. It’s easy enough to do, there’s so much misinformation around fair-usage from country-to-country that it’s easy to assume you’ll be safe, but still end up with a huge invoice from Getty Images. If you have fully paid-up access to an image provider or stock image library, then fantastic.

How to use images to bring real world credibility to your digital presence

Published on 2016/07/01 By admin

We all know the importance of imagery , especially on mobile. However, the focus on icons and the fear of oversized pages has caused many designers to forget the power of pictures. The right emotive photograph of the right proportions that loads rapidly is a fantastic way to bring your offline identity in a homogenous digital world.

How to use images to bring real world credibility to your digital presence

Published on 2016/07/01 By admin

We all know the importance of imagery , especially on mobile. However, the focus on icons and the fear of oversized pages has caused many designers to forget the power of pictures.

How to optimise your page images to increase site speed

Published on 2016/04/26 By admin

Google’s official slogan is “Don’t Be Evil”, but it’s long been rumoured that the company has a second, internal motto that they tend to keep under wraps: “You’re either fast, or you’re f***ed.” We’ve written about site-speed in the past, and there’s no doubt of its importance (if there is, stick around for the stats section of this post) but for content marketers, improving the speed of your website is often seen as a particularly arduous technical exercise that’s completely out of your control. Only a back-end full-stack engineer can speed things up significantly, right? As it turns out, nothing could be further from the truth

30 quick and easy SEO tips for small businesses

Published on 2016/04/13 By admin

For the uninitiated, SEO can seem to be a complex and foreign landscape, but it doesn’t have to be too complicated.

5 Opportunities to Tell Stories & Touch Hearts with Visual Content Marketing

Published on 2016/01/12 By admin

Do you remember when great content marketing meant your copy was properly optimized for search engines so your customers could find you when searching? Today’s customers have raised the bar, and it’s time that content marketers follow suit.

“My Photos” — Google Now Lets Find Your Google+ Photos Within Search

Published on 2013/05/23 By admin

Google now lets you search your private photos and the photos your friends on Google+ share with you. All you need to do is search on Google for keywords such as [my photos] or [my photos sunset] to bring up matching photos