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PPC Shop Tools: The Permutator

Published on 2011/11/04 By admin

We use a number of PPC shop tools in our everyday work as PPC campaign managers; today, I’d like to focus on the PPC Permutator. We use the PPC permutator to help us rapidly expand keyword lists from simple ideas

PPC Shop Tools: The Permutator

Published on 2011/11/04 By admin

We use a number of PPC shop tools in our everyday work as PPC campaign managers; today, I’d like to focus on the PPC Permutator. We use the PPC permutator to help us rapidly expand keyword lists from simple ideas

The Career Path Of The Search Marketer

Published on 2011/10/28 By admin

For those of you who read my columns regularly, you know that I’m fascinated with watching the paid search industry develop. Having been one of the lucky ones who fell into this marketing niche early on, I’ve seen it grow from a little seedling into a giant oak. In fact, one of the major draws Please visit Search Engine Land for the full article.

The Technology Behind Autobidding: Q&A With OptiMine’s Dr. Rob Cooley

Published on 2011/09/30 By admin


Social Media Analytics: 4 Tools You May Have Been Missing

Published on 2011/09/23 By admin

If you’re not using these tools to measure social media, you’re getting it wrong.  These  tools enable you to measure social media properly, in a way that will lead to building stronger relationships, getting more traffic and converting more.

Why Display Is Changing The Value Of Search

Published on 2011/09/02 By admin

A few weeks ago, I was talking shop with Josh Shatkin-Margolis, CEO and founder of search retargeting firm Magnetic, when he stated, “Display is changing the value of search.” I balked. But I took the bait. “What’s that even mean, dude?” I said.

Is Your Blog An Asset Or A Liability?

Published on 2011/08/19 By admin

I analyze websites every day, as well as a lot of Facebook pages, and a ton of blogs attached to websites and Facebook pages.

How To Master Paid Search Bidding

Published on 2011/08/05 By admin

One of the biggest concerns in paid search is how much to bid for each of your keywords. It’s certainly a major part of a successful SEM campaign if you can crack this puzzle, you’re probably going to do pretty well in this business

Uncovering The Best Mobile SEO Resources On The Web

Published on 2011/07/22 By admin

About two weeks ago, I started a new chapter in my professional life as the VP and “Conductor” of Marketing at BlueTrain Mobile, an award-winning technology start up company in Cambridge, MA. This is an exciting career move for me in so many ways, and will push me to ramp up on my..

How To Build Multi-Purpose Landing Pages For Small Budget Advertising

Published on 2011/07/15 By admin

For a long time, I thought utilizing a strong Landing Page Optimization program was only available to large companies with large budgets. The software to create landing pages on the fly by keyword is pricey, and the learning curve is significant. If you have the time, budget and manpower to utilize…