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Why do big US companies take mobile less seriously than Chinese companies?

Published on 2016/08/29 By admin

If you want to know how seriously any public company takes mobile, then take a look at the annual/quarterly reports. While top Chinese retailers, banks and internet companies are keen to share their mobile success with their investors, their US equivalents are often shy to reveal their numbers… especially the biggest US retailers. While researching a series of in-depth m-commerce reports  for ClickZ Intelligence, I needed to establish which of the world’s biggest countries are really making headway with mobile.

How to use Facebook Ads to find and recruit new employees

Published on 2016/08/24 By admin

How are you recruiting new employees? Are you using job recruiters? If so, you know their finder fees are ridiculously high.

Voice UI and intelligent assistants: trends to watch out for next

Published on 2016/08/23 By admin

Earlier this year, a report from Consumer Intelligence Research partners (CIRP) pegged the sales of Amazon’s Echo at more than 3 million units. Echo of course uses Amazon’s cloud based AI “Alexa” to answer questions, play music/games, control smart devices including home automation systems and of course re-order products off Amazon. More importantly, awareness of this device and others like it continues to accelerate.

One-third of UK internet users have taken a ‘digital detox’

Published on 2016/08/23 By admin

The 2016 Communications Market Report from Ofcom has shed some fresh light on the latest behavioural trends of UK consumers and how they are connecting with traditional and digital media. As expected, this latest offering is a comprehensive digest which draws on a range of primary and secondary research looking at – among other things – our TV viewing habits, how we use our mobile phones and how we’re going online. But it is the section dedicated to digital detoxing which is generating headlines.

Q&A: ESPforMe’s Scott Rummler on how the future of search may all be in your mind

Published on 2016/08/16 By admin

What do you imagine is the future of search? Voice … for sure. Machine learning alogrithms … certainly.

Online-only retailers are growing faster than multichannels

Published on 2016/08/15 By admin

New research show a disparity in sales growth between pure-play online retailers and their multichannel counterparts.  IMRG stats show that between January and June this year, while multichannel retailers (those with a high street/store presence) grew sales by 9.5%, the figure was 24.8% for online-only (defined as those with at least 80% of sales coming from online channels). The stats That said, the stats show that multichannel retailers were initially performing more strongly than the pure-plays from when IMRG starting tracking this in 2010, recording stronger sales growth. Since 2012, online-only retailers have experienced greater growth than mutichannels, Since 2015 the disparity in growth rates has been even greater, with the pure-plays now experiencing a 23 point ‘advantage’ over multichannels in terms of growth rates

Five most important search marketing news stories of the week

Published on 2016/08/12 By admin

Welcome to our weekly round-up of all the latest news and research from around the world of search marketing and beyond. This week we have possible bad news for AMP users and good news for AdWords customers who are tired of its UI. Facebook begins thwarting ad blockers As Al Roberts reported this week, Facebook has announced that it’s changing its desktop ads to thwart ad blocking software

Quiz: Can you decipher these 25 marketing and business buzzwords?

Published on 2016/08/12 By admin

The major problem with marketing and business jargon is that the majority of the people who use it, aren’t necessarily using it correctly… “Watch me pivot this burrito right into my wheelhouse.” “Sir, you have a call on line one.” “Put them on hold, this is mission-critical synergy right here.” “Oh god, I work for a monster.” “Excuse me?” “I said, I’ll fetch you a napkin.” Buzzwords and jargon can merely add to the confusion and alienation of everyday working life, and certainly increase the chances you’ll end up locking yourself in the stationery cupboard for a hand-over-the-mouth scream on a daily basis.

Google Trends Explore tool gets a facelift

Published on 2016/08/09 By admin

Google Trends Explore tool launches a new interface this week, but is it much better? Unlike other Google changes , the only people that would notice this update are marketers, researchers and the periodic journalist from time to time. I’ve examined the new look and feel, as well as features and functionality to see how impactful this change can be. Below is a quick breakdown of what’s changed, and what hasn’t: New features (mostly look and feel, some functionality) Updated interface:  The look and feel has been refined to allow for easier navigation and simpler, single screen viewing of data.

Voice: the future of next-gen search – expert predictions

Published on 2016/08/04 By admin

The expansion of digital systems has resulted in the recent rise of voice search . More people today are using various digital assistants created by the major players of the technology market, such as Apple’s Siri, Google Now, Microsoft’s Cortana, and Amazon’s Alexa