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How Influence and SEO Can Drive Customer Experience

Published on 2020/02/17 By admin

The post How Influence and SEO Can Drive Customer Experience appeared first on Online Marketing Blog – TopRank® .

The Currency of Influence in Marketing — Buy, Sell, or Trade

Published on 2019/08/27 By admin

Influence is its own form of a modern digital currency.

Beyond the Hype Cycle: It’s Time to Redefine Influencer Marketing

Published on 2018/06/18 By admin

Every marketer should consider getting a tattoo of Gartner’s Hype Cycle, as a reminder to keep us from chasing shiny objects. The Hype Cycle goes like this: A new hotness emerges

The Fallacy of Influence

Published on 2012/04/18 By admin

How important is influence with online marketing ? Most professionals would say influence is pretty important, especially when it comes to social media

4 Things Lady Gaga Can Teach Us About Social Media PR & Online Influence

Published on 2012/01/19 By admin

Photo Credit: Flickr gjkooijman Lady Gaga is the definition of an influencer offline and online; her music, fashion sense, and passion for social causes have spread around the world in only a few short years.  Love her, like her or hate her, you know who she is and you’ve probably heard more than one of her songs.