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Inside B2B Influence: Brian Solis of Salesforce on the Future of Influence in B2B Marketing

Published on 2021/09/19 By admin

If this is your first time, Inside B2B Influence is a podcast series that goes behind the scenes of B2B marketing and highlights insights with top business executives on influencer marketing for B2B companies. At TopRank Marketing we’re doing our best to connect readers and listeners with B2B marketing insiders on strategies, trends, tactics and the future to elevate the practice of growing influence within and outside of B2B brands. In Episode 17 of Inside B2B Influence we have a returning guest who needs little introduction given his accomplishments and yet, we’d all be missing out if I did not mention that Brian Solis is Global Innovation Evangelist at Salesforce, an 8X best selling author, global keynote speaker, digital pioneer and has been a good friend for over 10 years.

Break Free B2B Series: Amisha Gandhi on Global B2B Influencer Marketing

Published on 2019/11/07 By admin

Amisha Gandhi has so many titles now that if we were just to start telling you all of them you would lose patience before we even got to the good stuff. So we’ll just say she is in charge of Global Influencer Marketing at SAP

SMX Toronto Keynote: Social Proof, SEO & Influence Marketing

Published on 2013/02/22 By admin

The concept of “influence marketing” has suddenly exploded into all aspects of search and online marketing. In his SMX Toronto keynote address, Sam Fiorrella, co-author of Influence Marketing: How to Create, Manage and Measure Brand Influencers in Social Media will present a new… Please visit Search Engine Land for the full article.

B2B Marketing Innovation: The Truth About Influence in B2B Marketing from Master Strategist Paul Gillin

Published on 2012/10/01 By admin

The final interview in our series on B2B Marketing Innovation comes from Paul Gillin , a veteran journalist, author and strategist. He’s the author of several books on new media including,  Social Marketing to the Business Customer , with Eric Schwartzman.  Paul is giving a sold out workshop and an interactive presentation on influence