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Social Media Polls For Marketers: 6 B2B Brands Winning With LinkedIn Polls

Published on 2020/07/08 By admin

Polls offer a unique two-for-one value for B2B marketers, providing quality feedback on what customers want while also offering brands a powerful interactive social media content marketing element. As we first reported in our B2B marketing news, our client LinkedIn recently launched the return of its highly-anticipated poll feature, offering marketers a new platform besides Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram for gathering community sentiment using polls — one that may be the best fit for many B2B brands

The B2B Marketer’s Journey To Experiential Content at #B2BMX

Published on 2020/02/26 By admin

What makes an experience an… ? Full disclosure: I am not on the design team at TopRank Marketing.

What B2B Marketers Need to Know About Experiential Content

Published on 2020/01/22 By admin

Experiential content will help drive 2020’s digital agenda, and savvy B2B marketers should take notice. Experiential is a word with subtly differing meanings depending on which setting it’s used in, however at the core of each definition is the fact that it all boils down to experiences . Experiential content makes us a central part of a story, and not just a passive subject receiving a one-way brand message

5 B2B Brands Innovating with AR & AI Marketing

Published on 2019/11/13 By admin

Augmented reality and artificial intelligence aren’t just for B2C marketers anymore, and as we move into 2020 we’re likely to see a new decade of B2B that keeps moving farther away from “Boring-To-Boring” and towards more to B2C-like experiences. AR and AI are a key part of what consumers increasingly expect to find in those experiences.

How B2B Brands Can Break Into Interactive Content

Published on 2019/10/16 By admin

Pop quiz, B2B marketers: When it comes to creating content that effectively reaches, informs, engages, and inspires buyers and buying committees, you should… Embrace the “boring-to-boring” status quo. (Buyers and committees want the facts, not a spectacle!) Push tradition aside and dip your marketing toes into interactive content waters. (Who says B2B content has to be boring?) (Psst

Do Your Homework: Selecting the Right Influencers for Your B2B Brand With Tips from the Experts

Published on 2019/05/15 By admin

The influencer identification, validation, and recruitment process is time consuming, resource intensive, and high stakes. Without the right mix of influencers to drive awareness, intrigue, conversation, and action, your marketing initiatives will miss the mark with your audience and fall short of expectations

Do Your Homework: Selecting the Right Influencers for Your B2B Brand With Tips from the Experts

Published on 2019/05/15 By admin

The influencer identification, validation, and recruitment process is time consuming, resource intensive, and high stakes. Without the right mix of influencers to drive awareness, intrigue, conversation, and action, your marketing initiatives will miss the mark with your audience and fall short of expectations. But how

Bye-Bye Boring B2B: Lee Odden Shows B2BMX Attendees the Power of Interactive Influencer Content

Published on 2019/02/27 By admin

Quick question, B2B marketers: How many of you wake up feeling like this about your B2B content? via GIPHY Not so much?

How B2B Marketers Can Make the Most of Interactive Content Tools

Published on 2019/02/26 By admin

Informative. Engaging. Entertaining.

Embracing Interactive Content: 19 Statistics Every B2B Marketer Needs to Know

Published on 2019/02/04 By admin

Modern B2B content marketing evolved out of the opportunity to provide buyers with the information they seek at every stage of their customer journey. But in an increasingly crowded content landscape and as consumer preferences and technology evolve, it’s no longer enough to just inform buyers