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Global Issues Shift Global SEO & SEM Budgets Even Faster To Asia

Published on 2013/08/27 By admin

It’s always interesting to contemplate how global events affect us, even in our own back yards — and turbulent times have definitely impacted online marketing budgets. An analysis of several hundred clients with online marketing initiatives spanning over 100 regions around the world… Please visit Search Engine Land for the full article.

Global Site Infrastructure Plan Essential For Effective SEO & Usability

Published on 2013/06/28 By admin

Targeting the world with a website is a huge opportunity for today’s marketers — but very few businesses start out with that goal. The vast majority target a particular nation first, prove the business model, grow their business’ success, and then consider rolling out globally….

Keyword Research For Market Discovery: An Essential Tool For Export Marketers

Published on 2013/01/22 By admin

Have you ever read those blogs and websites which start with the words, “74% Of The World’s Consumers Don’t Speak English,” or “54% Of The Connected World Is Outside The US?” They’re usually the first post of someone who has just discovered…

Globalization For Small Business

Published on 2010/07/13 By admin

Is going global too expensive or too complicated for small businesses — or is there an opportunity just the same for them as huge conglomerates. Indeed, is it possible that the opportunity is relatively-speaking even greater for mom and pop than for Mr. Big Corporation?