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The ABC of Google Quick Answers

Published on 2016/07/05 By admin

Google is increasing the number of queries that receive a Google Quick Answer box. The number of results that had an answer box went from just over 20% in December 2014 to more than 30% in May 2016.* Brands that wish to maintain a strong digital presence need to make sure their website is well represented within these rich answers.

Brand slackers: organic search is not always about non-branded keywords

Published on 2016/05/16 By admin

I admit it, I am addicted to the non-branded organic referral, but let’s be honest, the branded or partially branded organic search traffic that you are receiving (or not) is much more qualified. While we waste away worrying about non-branded exposure, much of the time, we are ignoring “branded” entry into our site from a multi-channel attribution standpoint. Specifically, traffic that chooses to enter the site again as they searched for your brand name since they were associated with the brand previously via social media, PPC , etc

Are search engines ‘semantic’?

Published on 2016/03/24 By admin

Let’s get to the crux of the matter. It never fails to make me smile when people misuse the term ‘semantic search’, so really… what is semantic web search? A simple definition of semantic search We often talk of semantic search as if it’s something new

SEO 101: Make Your Site Stand Out in SERPs With Rich Snippet Mark-Up by @vertical_coop

Published on 2015/04/25 By admin

Let’s talk abou structured mark-up and rich snippets, as well as its relevance among Search Engine Results Pages (SERPs). The post SEO 101: Make Your Site Stand Out in SERPs With Rich Snippet Mark-Up by @vertical_coop appeared first on Search Engine Journal

Google Suggest is Now Smarter… Sometimes by @5le

Published on 2015/03/05 By admin

Sometime last year, Google launched a feature that incorporates knowledge graph data into Google suggest. It would be fantastic…. if only it worked

Google is Killing Branded Search Traffic From Mobile Phones: Here’s How to Fix The Issue by @lorenbaker

Published on 2015/01/19 By admin

One of the ways Google has been working towards providing a better search experience for users (and a headache for search marketers) is through the Knowledge Graph. But is the Knowledge Graph hurting your SEO efforts? Here is a rundown on the Knowledge Graph, how it’s affected a site’s branded search query traffic, and steps that can be taken to attribute Knowledge Graph driven calls or leads back to organic search

Leaked Documents Show How Yelp Thinks It’s Not Getting Screwed By Google

Published on 2014/07/10 By admin

Yelp may once again feel Google is robbing it of its fair share of search traffic, with a study that’s been leaked to TechCrunch to prove it. A close read of that study actually shows that it proves the opposite — or at least, that it’s certainly not as damning as it sounds….

Yahoo Testing A Knowledge Graph Lookalike In Search Results

Published on 2014/04/21 By admin

One of Yahoo’s latest search results tests should look awfully familiar.

How To Tell Search Engines What “Entities” Are On Your Web Pages

Published on 2014/03/21 By admin

Search engines have increasingly been incorporating elements of semantic search to improve some aspect of the search experience — for example, using schema.org markup to create enhanced displays in SERPs (as in Google’s rich snippets). Elements of semantic search are now present at..

The Knowledge Graph: Should Your Content & Business Strategy Change?

Published on 2014/03/20 By admin

Many articles have been written on the Google Knowledge Graph and its impact on SEO, but have you given thought to how the Knowledge Graph potentially impacts your content strategy — or even your entire revenue model? For many publishers, it’s time to take stock of how to work with the…