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Content Marketing Measurement & ROI Advice From Experts at Kraft Foods & 3M

Published on 2015/07/06 By admin

Understanding the potential risk and return on any investment is imperative for making a sound business decision. It doesn’t matter if the investment is monetary or that of time or resources. In recent years, marketers have begun investing more and more into digital marketing programs

Content Marketing Tips You Can Bank On from Intel, Kraft, SAP & Content Marketing Institute

Published on 2013/03/14 By admin

In a recent study by Content Marketing Institute, it was reported that  54% of B2B marketers will increase their spend on content marketing over the next 12 months. Pouring more money into content doesn’t automatically result in success.

How 4 Consumer Brands Are Using Visual Content To Tell Stories & Engage Customers

Published on 2013/01/31 By admin

As the online landscape becomes increasingly more competitive, marketers are finding that great content isn’t just about what you say, but how content is presented as well.

Secrets of Content Marketing World: Agent Julie Fleischer, Kraft Foods

Published on 2012/08/29 By admin

You know, once a great secret spreads, you get all kinds of “wannabe” corporate marketing types creating what they think is great content. And you know what