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18 best branded Instagram videos of 2016 (so far)

Published on 2016/06/30 By admin

Instagram ’s the best. Where else can you find out the best place to get a hipster kebab AND take a terrifying white-water raft ride AND be subjected to endless Kardashian selfies all in a single scroll. Snapchat, Twitter, Facebook… yeah yeah, sure, alright, shut up

How LEGO’s #Kronkiwongi campaign drove customer engagement

Published on 2016/02/11 By admin

Last week the SEW team were at Connect , our two-day search event in Miami. Here’s the third in a series of posts summarising a few of our sessions, covering either organic engagement or paid search innovation. Here we’ll be taking a brief look at an excellent presentation from The LEGO Group’s Head of Global Search Marketing Luis Navarrete, covering how LEGO used the power of social, search and old-school PR to make a success of its Kronkiwongi campaign.