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It’s Not Just Links: Why Nothing Is Safe In Online Marketing

Published on 2014/07/22 By admin

Links have been under fire for years. And while I’m someone who provides link development services, I’ve never thought that links are all you need.

Adopt A Contingency Search Marketing Plan Before You Get Dinged

Published on 2014/04/01 By admin

What if you were penalized or deindexed in Google?

5 Types of Sites That Could Benefit from Broken Link Building by @AlesiaKrush

Published on 2014/02/07 By admin

Like a prodigal family member, broken link building got re-embraced by SEOs after the series of Google algorithm updates known as Penguin.

When Looking For Links, How Can You Predict A Site’s Future?

Published on 2013/09/17 By admin

I was recently asked how to make sure that each link you build (however you do it) remains a safe one — and I have to say that I truly had no idea how to answer that. A few years back, my answer would have been different than it is today.

To Build Better Links, Stop Focusing On The Bad Ones

Published on 2013/07/23 By admin

Over the past year, I confess that I’ve spent way more time digging into bad links than good links.

SEO Smackdown Round 2: Old Vs. New Search Engine Optimization

Published on 2013/02/01 By admin

Has SEO really changed? Search engine algoholics might say “Yes!” Experienced practitioners might say, “Not really.” Instead of keywords, site architecture, and link development, maybe we should understand aboutness, information scent, and validation. Please visit Search Engine Land for the full article

3 Areas That Get Overlooked When Building Links In A Bubble

Published on 2013/01/08 By admin

One of the most frustrating things about doing a link campaign is that usually, we’re doing it because no one else wants to, or no one else has the time to. Link building is one of the most outsourced parts of SEM and much of the time, we’re one of a handful of agencies working Please visit Search Engine Land for the full article

How To Panic-Proof Your Link Campaign

Published on 2012/05/29 By admin

All too often, I get a fair amount of frantic emails from people who are seeing a dropoff in rankings and/or traffic after the latest algorithmic update and are looking for help or just a second opinion. Sometimes a keyword that has been number 2 for 8 months in a row moves down a spot Please visit Search Engine Land for the full article.

Creative Tips For Link Building On A Shoestring Budget

Published on 2011/07/05 By admin

Since “how much would it take me to get started?” is a common question that potential clients ask me, I thought I’d expand a bit on my original answer to Debra Mastaler’s forum questions.

Functionalism As A Link Building Approach

Published on 2011/04/12 By admin

Functionalism is a concept that first intrigued me when I studied Anthropology in college, as I really responded to the idea that people do certain things for certain individual reasons that matter only to them, reasons that may seem crazy to outsiders, but that truly do make up a necessary part of…