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Link Building 2013: Looking Back At This Year’s Top Link Week Columns

Published on 2013/12/27 By admin

With each passing year, search engine algorithms grow increasingly sophisticated in their ability to identify (and penalize) spammy links. Among other things, this year marked the fourth and fifth releases of Google’s spam-filtering Penguin update (Penguin 2.0 and 2.1, respectively)….

Updates To Old Link Building Practices That Score Wins Today

Published on 2013/09/24 By admin

Everyone is itching for new link building ideas.  Google is getting smarter, and the game is getting harder. What worked five years ago — shoot, what worked last year — isn’t going to work today. Except, that’s not necessarily true.

5 Ways To Get Way More Results From Link Building Outreach

Published on 2013/08/16 By admin

If you’ve heard me talk, you know that I’m ridiculously passionate about link building that, ahem, works. I mean, getting a couple links out of a campaign is nice. After all, a link is a link

Understanding Google’s Latest Assault On Unnatural Links

Published on 2013/08/13 By admin

Without much fanfare or publicity, Google quietly updated the Link Schemes/Unnatural Links document inside the Webmaster Tools section of their site last month. If not for the excellent work of Barry Schwartz, many of us would have missed it. (I have a page change tool app set up for that exact…

7 Real Life Ways to Build Links

Published on 2013/08/06 By admin

The majority of the time when we’re discussing link building, we focus on things like outreach, content strategy, tools and, in general, ways we can acquire links online. Which makes perfect sense since links are… well, online. But what about the offline, or “in real life”…

Link Building Outside The Box: Outreach & Content Refreshing

Published on 2013/07/29 By admin

Link building is a staple of most SEO campaigns. Some methods are scalable and automated, while others are similar to old-school public relations

To Build Better Links, Stop Focusing On The Bad Ones

Published on 2013/07/23 By admin

Over the past year, I confess that I’ve spent way more time digging into bad links than good links.

Link Building Campaign Design: How To Scale Outreach Today

Published on 2013/07/19 By admin

“Scaling link building” is a buzzword that died a slow but well-deserved death over the course of the last several years. Panda, Penguin and common sense were nails in the coffin for many wild link building schemes advertised as “cheap and scalable.” But, if you’re… Please visit Search Engine Land for the full article.

Link Building Campaign Design: How To Scale Outreach Today

Published on 2013/07/19 By admin

“Scaling link building” is a buzzword that died a slow but well-deserved death over the course of the last several years. Panda, Penguin and common sense were nails in the coffin for many wild link building schemes advertised as “cheap and scalable.” But, if you’re…

4 Link-Tastic Tips From SMX Advanced

Published on 2013/07/09 By admin

As most people know, SMX Advanced took place out in Seattle a couple weeks ago. While there was only one session truly dedicated to link building, link building tips were still flying around the Bell Harbor Conference Center! Thankfully, I was there to catch them