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15+ Top Tips For B2B Marketers To Optimize & Humanize LinkedIn Profiles

Published on 2023/02/15 By admin

Since its formation LinkedIn* has been the leading business social media platform, and with increasing numbers of brands and users having turned away from Twitter since its 2022 ownership change and subsequent policy shifts, in 2023 LinkedIn has grown to over 900 million members. With interest in LinkedIn at a new high-point, how can B2B marketers ensure that their place within the LinkedIn universe is accurately represented — both professionally and personally? The many features of LinkedIn member profiles have evolved and greatly expanded over the years, and more B2B marketers than you would expect are missing out on exposure opportunities that are only a click away.

Virtual Vision: 5 New LinkedIn Features & How B2B Marketers Can Use Them To Succeed

Published on 2022/03/30 By admin

What are the newest features on LinkedIn*, and how can B2B marketers best use them to attract, engage, and convert business professionals? As the world’s leading business social platform, Microsoft’s LinkedIn has released a surprising array of innovative new ways for B2B marketers and brands to build new connections and forge even stronger existing relationships

5 Fresh Features: What LinkedIn’s New Learning Hub, Ratings & Reviews, Live Events & Page Article Updates Mean for B2B Marketers

Published on 2021/09/22 By admin

What do B2B marketers need to know about LinkedIn’s* new full-length articles, profile ratings and reviews, Live Events, Learning Hub skill-building platform, and updated accessibility features? The world’s largest professional social media platform — with more than 774 million users — has rolled out an impressive assortment of new features throughout 2021, including five recent additions that bring a goldmine of new opportunities for B2B marketers.

10 New Insights B2B Marketers Need To Know About LinkedIn In 2021

Published on 2021/03/17 By admin

What has changed at the world’s largest professional social media platform during the pandemic, and how will it shift for B2B marketers in the post-pandemic landscape? LinkedIn* has already rolled out an impressive assortment of new features in 2021, and we’ve got 10 insights that B2B marketers need to know about them. Over the course of the pandemic, LinkedIn ads have been among the marketing channels that have grown the most in importance according to report data examining B2B technology marketing strategies, as we covered in a recent edition of the TopRank Marketing news

New LinkedIn Profile Features: 4 Tips to Optimize Your Presence

Published on 2014/06/11 By admin

Never one to rest on its laurels, LinkedIn recently announced some interesting new profile features that can help you stand out, be found and measure the impact of your LinkedIn presence (disclosure, LinkedIn is a TopRank client). Here are 4 ways you can take advantage of the new LinkedIn profile updates:   Stand out With New Profile Image Options The trend towards getting more visual has taken hold of all aspects of social media and LinkedIn profiles are about to get the same treatment

4 LinkedIn Recommendations For The B2B SEO Professional

Published on 2013/09/04 By admin

LinkedIn’s recent announcement about the redesign of LinkedIn Group pages has had me thinking much more about why B2B search marketers need to leverage this social media platform in support of SEO initiatives.

Feeling Lost In LinkedIn? 5 Elements of An Optimized LinkedIn Profile

Published on 2013/03/05 By admin

LinkedIn has quickly achieved top status as “the” business to business social networking destination.  In fact, less than two years after going public, LinkedIn’s value has risen from $4 billion to over $18 billion . Not only has LinkedIn’s value increased significantly, but their capabilities and engagement have as well.  The same Wall Street Journal article that included the valuation above also shared the following insight: In the most recent quarter LinkedIn’s page views have risen 67% LinkedIn’s new “content” features include news aggregation and hosting of expert blog posts If your company hasn’t quite figured out the secret sauce needed to really make your executives’ LinkedIn profiles shine or how to make meaningful connections , you’re in luck.  Whether you want to increase your brand or individual online visibility, this post shares insights into the 5 elements of an optimized LinkedIn profile.    #1 –Use An Appropriate Image Your LinkedIn profile image should accurately reflect who you are as a professional.  When users are searching for you or land on your profile your picture is one of the first things that they see. LinkedIn profile photo don’ts : Grainy or Pixelated The Self Portrait Poorly Lit Inappropriate for Your Industry Party Picture No Picture #2 – Optimize Your Headline Adding keywords to your headline that you want to be associated with can improve your searchability within LinkedIn and beyond.  While it may be tempting to add extra filler words it can actually hurt your optimization for key phrases.  Here are two best practices for updating your headline for maximum impact: 1 – Multiple Titles: Create a headline that displays the different titles someone is likely to search for related to what you do.  Mari Smith’s LinkedIn profile is a great example of this tactic