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Bing Ads Refines Local Targeting Features

Published on 2014/07/18 By admin

Today, Bing Ads released new interface updates and features for location targeting. Radius targeting is now more granular and available in kilometers as well as miles.

VIDEO + SLIDESHOW: The Future of Local Search – The Human Algorithm

Published on 2014/07/07 By admin

Say goodbye to local search as we know it. We have entered into a period of the human algorithm. The future of local search can be summed up in two words — collaboration and trust.

VIDEO + SLIDESHOW: Local Search at 60+ MPH

Published on 2014/06/27 By admin

Every business needs to know what’s coming next, whether it’s shifting demographics, supply and demand changes or product pricing predictions.

How Local Businesses Should Size Up & Tackle Social Media

Published on 2013/10/25 By admin

The most frequently asked question posed these days at events, webinars and new client meetings is “What is the best social media platform for my local business?” Research shows social channels are becoming more important signals in major search engine algorithms that affect the entire SEO and… Please visit Search Engine Land for the full article.

Google AdWords Third-Party “Review Extensions” Start Rolling Out To All Accounts

Published on 2013/10/15 By admin

In June, Google announced the beta release of Review Extensions which allow advertisers to append a quote of endorsement from a reputable publication in their AdWords ads. Today, these Review Extensions will begin to roll out to all AdWords accounts

Confessions Of A $100/Month SEO Client: Part II

Published on 2013/07/08 By admin

Last month’s post on the realities of low-cost SEO for small businesses seemed to hit a nerve and got some great responses. One of the best was from a Bill Trott, the owner of Bill’s Pest and Termite in Phoenix, not to mention a guest star on Discovery’s Property Wars….

Confessions Of A $100/Month SEO Client

Published on 2013/06/10 By admin

Are you an agency trying to sell super cheap search marketing services to SMBs? If so, here’s some free market research! Last week, I got my kitchen counters resurfaced. Inevitably the service guy asked me what I did for a living

5 Important Trends Affecting The Local, Social & Mobile Industry

Published on 2012/11/19 By admin

On Tuesday last week, London hosted the Local Social Summit 2012, the fourth year this great (and growing) summit has been put on. As a UK-based local SEO, I am envious of the plethora of local and social events that run regularly in the US; sadly, I don’t get across to many of them.

Can Geotagging Blog Posts Increase Local Search Marketing Performance?

Published on 2010/10/01 By admin

When you think of geotagging, or checking in, what do you think of? Probably GPS, FourSquare, Facebook Places or letting a photo site like Flickr know where a photo was taken

Can Geotagging Blog Posts Increase Local Search Marketing Performance?

Published on 2010/10/01 By admin

When you think of geotagging, or checking in, what do you think of?