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The holidays arrived early for local marketers

Published on 2017/10/17 By admin

The holiday season has arrived early for locally focused marketers.

Online-to-offline search value is exploding with ‘near me’ searches

Published on 2016/08/22 By admin

A few months ago I carried out a deep dive to see how much a single keyword can matter . The focus was on the keyword “best.” I thought I would take some time to look into another keyword phrase that seems to be growing exponentially, especially as mobile search volume eclipses desktop. That phrase is “ near me .” Below is the Google Insights trend for that phrase over the last decade.

11 SEO myths to forget in 2016

Published on 2016/08/11 By admin

You may be surprised at how common some SEO myths still are in 2016, so it’s definitely time to leave them behind.

Five absolutely vital elements for mobile SEO success

Published on 2016/08/10 By admin

Is your website mobile-friendly? 2016 marks the first year that mobile traffic surpassed desktop traffic, yet many businesses have still neglected to take mobile devices into account. Their websites aren’t optimized for mobile search, and simply don’t look good on phones and tablets

Five ways to use local SEO even when you don’t have a physical premise

Published on 2016/07/28 By admin

How can a business stand out in local SEO with no physical premise?

Are you paying enough attention to reviews in your local SEO?

Published on 2016/07/27 By admin

Sponsored content in collaboration with ReviewJump. Views expressed in this article are those of the interviewee and do not necessarily reflect SEW’s opinions.

How are beacons going to affect search marketing?

Published on 2016/06/30 By admin

Recently I’ve been reading a lot about the effects beacons and proximity marketing may have on search strategy.

Four ways to adjust your SEO strategy for four-pack paid search ads

Published on 2016/06/14 By admin

The appearance of Google’s SERP (search engine results page) periodically shifts as they experiment with new ways to display paid and organic search results to customers. The latest iteration removes the paid text ads in the right hand column (on desktop results only), but extends the paid results in organic search results.

How will the Local Source tag affect SEO?

Published on 2016/06/09 By admin

Google has an established reputation for guiding internet users towards sources with the most accurate and relevant information on the web. In order to elevate its Google News feature to meet this standard, Google launched its newest component , the Local Source tag, on Monday, May 9. The Local Source tag highlights the original sources of local stories that have become national or international talking points, thus directing traffic to smaller, regional publications that would otherwise be overshadowed by larger news outlets

Six lessons advertisers can learn from local SEO

Published on 2016/06/02 By admin

Last month, ClickZ Intelligence published its report into ‘The State of Mobile Advertising’, in partnership with Search Optics. Among the report’s findings was the revelation that mobile advertisers are missing out on hyperlocal opportunities in a big way.