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How are beacons going to affect search marketing?

Published on 2016/06/30 By admin

Recently I’ve been reading a lot about the effects beacons and proximity marketing may have on search strategy.

Local SEO: Key challenges and tips from #ClickZChat

Published on 2016/05/09 By admin

In previous ClickZChat sessions we’ve largely covered content and platforms, but seeing as it’s a Twitter event held by both ClickZ AND Search Engine Watch, it seemed only right that we spend some time looking at search in more depth. This week we took to Twitter for an hour to ask our followers for their local SEO challenges and solutions. Here’s everything we learned: Alright everyone, get your Local #SEO thinking caps on – it’s time for today’s #ClickZChat pic.twitter.com/jIhuZ0XkH8 — ClickZ (@ClickZ) May 4, 2016 Question 1: What are the biggest challenges you face when optimizing for local search