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Harnessing The Power Of Online Customer Reviews For Local Business Growth

Published on 2011/09/26 By admin

The local search market is a rapidly growing and changing area of search marketing.

6 Key Findings From The 2011 Local SEO Industry Survey

Published on 2011/08/29 By admin

If you ask any local SEO what the nature of our industry is like, you’ll get a range of answers from ‘exciting‘ & ‘high-growth’ to ‘ever changing’, ‘full of opportunity’ and ‘challenging’. The local online advertising market has seen strong growth over the last few years and this…

Diversity Is The Key To SEO Success For Local Businesses

Published on 2011/08/01 By admin

Google’s recent act of removing 3rd party reviews and citations from Google Places has had many local businesses and SEOs scrambling to review their local search strategies. As the dust settles on these changes, it appears that while the content may have gone from view it is still being captured… Please visit Search Engine Land for the full article.

5 Considerations For Connecting With Local Searchers

Published on 2011/06/28 By admin

These days, local business owners are regularly faced with the question of where to advertise to attract new customers.

What NOT To Do On Local Business Websites

Published on 2011/06/20 By admin

There’s lots of advice out there for what to do in optimizing websites for local businesses, yet day after day, we see some of the same bad practices continue to be perpetuated in bad web designs. So, at the risk of sounding like a broken record, here’s a reminder of some basic things… Please visit Search Engine Land for the full article.

Nifty Hard Core Local SEO Tactics From SMX Advanced

Published on 2011/06/13 By admin

The panelists at last week’s “HardCore Local SEO” panel at SMX Advanced, Mike Ramsey of Nifty Marketing, Will Scott of Search Influence and David Mihm of GetListed, presented some excellent data on various tactical approaches to improving Google Place Page rankings. For…

Confessions Of A Yellow Pages User

Published on 2011/05/16 By admin


What’s Hot In Local Search: Daily Deals, Loyalty Programs & Group Buying

Published on 2011/04/04 By admin

In my column last month, I discussed some new and dynamic ways that companies are showcasing themselves online and how local search engines can take advantage, both on the web and in mobile apps. Extending that line of thought, I’d like to talk about another essential trend happening online –… Please visit Search Engine Land for the full article.

For Local SEO, Lack Of Call Tracking Solution Spawns Cloaking

Published on 2011/03/28 By admin

Referrals via phone calls have historically been challenging for marketers to assess by promotion channel, although special tracking phone numbers set up to count calls have arisen to satisfy the need. Unfortunately, using different numbers per channel can impair local SEO, and lack of an… Please visit Search Engine Land for the full article.

A Local Search Marketing Tactic That’s One For The Books

Published on 2011/02/28 By admin

Some commonplace, traditional promotion methods provide significant SEO benefits for local search marketers. However, many managers expend more time and energy focusing upon elusive technical tricks. Here’s one local SEO tactic that businesses should consider: write a book.