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Top Local And Mobile Search Engine Ranking Factors: An Interview With Marcus Tober by @lorenbaker

Published on 2014/11/20 By admin

At Pubcon 2014 in Las Vegas, I had the opportunity to sit down and talk to Marcus Tober, CTO at Searchmetrics, about what’s new in local and mobile search. Ever year Searchmetrics releases a report about top ranking factors with a comparison to the previous year. In this interview I ask Marcus to go into some detail about the top ranking factors for 2014

New #MarketingNerds Podcast: Ranking Metrics With Searchmetrics’ CTO & Founder Marcus Tober by @wonderwall7

Published on 2014/10/31 By admin

In this podcast recorded at Pubcon Las Vegas 2014, I had the chance to discuss Searchmetrics’ ranking factor study with its founder, Marcus Tober.

Why is Schema Markup Important? via Marcus Tober of Searchmetrics

Published on 2014/05/05 By admin

I recently had the opportunity to sit down with Marcus Tober, CTO of Searchmetrics, to discuss the ins […] Author information Murray Newlands CEO at The Mail Online Murray is Deputy Editor at Search Engine Journal, Murray founded The Mail in 2013, an angel-funded startup publication covering performance marketing and mobile marketing. Murray is an advisor to a number of bay area startups including VigLink.

Marcus Tober @Searchmetrics on “Search Experience Optimization”, Global SEO and Work/Life Balance

Published on 2014/04/28 By admin

I recently caught up with Marcus Tober, CEO of Searchmetrics, at his new office in San Mateo, California, […] Author information Murray Newlands CEO at The Mail Online Murray is Deputy Editor at Search Engine Journal, Murray founded The Mail in 2013, an angel-funded startup publication covering performance marketing and mobile marketing. Murray is an advisor to a number of bay area startups including VigLink.