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What Google Learned From The Authorship Project: An Interview With Mark Traphagen by @brentcsutoras

Published on 2014/10/22 By admin

A big thanks to our Pubcon 2014 sponsor, LinkResearchTools, your off-page SEO toolkit and Link Detox: Recover – Protect – Build. At Pubcon 2014 in Las Vegas I had the opportunity to speak with Mark Traphagen of Stone Temple Consulting about the future of Google Authorship. Since Google Authorship was introduced, it has been considered an important component to content marketing.

SMX East Recap: Avoid Content Marketing Chaos by @matt_secrist

Published on 2014/10/07 By admin

I attended SMX East this year, and had the awesome opportunity to take in a wide variety of sessions. One of my favorites included “Content Marketing: Success by Design” with Eric Enge and Mark Traphagen. They gave a great presentation and offered plenty  of great points designed to help brands take their content marketing efforts to the next level.